An Introduction to Caving for the Novice Caver

MIT Caving Club ~ Revision 4.0: March 11, 1999

	Take nothing but pictures
	Leave nothing but footprints
	Kill nothing but time

Basic Caving Equipment Checklist

Caving will do awful things to your equipment. Everything usually gets covered with mud to some degree. You and your equipment will get wet, bashed about, scratched, torn, dropped, and other such pleasant things. And, oh yes, this is all on a normal trip where everything goes well. Tough trips are REALLY brutal. Plan your equipment accordingly. It should be tough and well made. It should contain nothing which is near and dear to you.

The following checklist is appropriate for a first time caver going to a "Beginner's Cave."


For Your Head




Optional Equipment

Remember that everything you take into a cave you must also take back out. You cannot leave ANY junk in the cave.

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