To make full use this forum, you need three things:
provides the first two and the means of creating the third, and I recommend using it with this forum.
These instructions apply to the Lagrange browser.
Look to the top of your browser window; to the right of the arrow keys (<- and ->) is a third button colored white and black. Click it, and a sidebar window will open. On the sidebar, click the icon of a person, then the "+ New..." button at the bottom of the sidebar. A new window will open; change "Not Used" to "Current Domain:". Enter a value for "valid until..." (if you wish it to never expire, set it 100 years in the future), enter a common name (this is only a means for YOU to identify the certificate, not us), and leave the "Temporary" field be.
After that, all that's left to do is to register!
Titan is a sister protocol to Gemini which allows uploading data from clients to a server. It is needed to create posts and register on this forum, among a few other things.
Using the Lagrange browser -- which I recommend to the less technically inclined -- you may send a Titan request to a page by right-clicking anywhere on the page, then on the button titled "Upload with Titan...". Thence, into the window which will pop up, you may supply the "body" of your text into the large window, and a "token" in the small window below."
If your certificate was set to be used on this domain, there is nothing for you to do -- once your application is accepted, you will be "logged in" automatically (i.e. every time you make a request to a page on this forum).
Otherwise, make sure you're sending your certificate with each request you make. On Lagrange, open your certificate menu, right-click the certificate you use with this forum, and click "Use on this page."
(If you aren't technically inclined, you might want to skip this section.)
Titan is required to create posts because Gemini itself does not provide a method for uploading much data to servers. Section 3.2.1 of the Gemini specification allows for "a line of textual user input" to be requested from clients, but this input is sent back to the server as part of the URL, which is subject to URLs' 1,024-byte limitation in length. Since the URL includes the protocol specification and hostname of the server, and because UTF characters comprise multiple bytes, the maximum possible length of user input becomes even shorter. I would like longer posts able to be created, and a protocol like Titan is the only way to achieve this in a sane manner.
I am aware that most Gemini clients do not include support for Titan, and some users may not wish to use a forum incompatible with their favorite client, or have other reasons to prefer forum usable with "pure" Gemini. Unfortunately this hard limitation on URL length doesn't gibe with my vision of this forum.
If using Titan concerns you, I would ask you to consider how simple of a protocol it is to implement. A simple standalone client can be written in under an hour; with a little more effort, it should be relatively easy to patch a simple Gemini client to include support.
Thanks for reading!