Mostly this is about computers or moreso software and in particular unix software of a decidedly OpenBSD slant. Or, old man yells at Linux cloud. I mean, what is up with those Linux frankensteins not installing ed(1), and then linking vi to the ClunkMaster3000 that is nano, or once you get vim installed the terminal looks like a unicorn's ass was rubbed all over it? Yes, I disable colors by default.
12:37 < jfcaron_> Poll: what operating system do you use? 12:40 < ssm_> jfcaron_: openbsd 12:41 < jfcaron_> dang, that's hardcore 12:44 < jfcaron_> I'm on Linux Mint MATE 21 12:47 < thrig> openbsd
Some of us never got the memo that IRC died. None of the purported replacements look in any way compelling, though. Acid test: does the source for the client software compile on OpenBSD, and run in a terminal? Discord scores an impressive zero of three.
On the plus side, it's been a few years since I've had to support RedHat, or even Linux.