I was reorganizing my homelab and, among some other changes, come the decommissioning of the abiscuola.org domain, used to host clacson, the lab and other things.
If you were following me on the fediverse at @absc@clacson.abiscuola.org, now the new handle is @absc@fedi.abiscuola.com. You can safely defederate the old one.
Also, the domain for the various repositories is not lab.abiscuola.org anymore, but lab.abiscuola.com. If you clones the fossil repositories, please change the remote.
Last but not least, gopkg.abiscuola.org, the domain used to pull rssgoemail, is now hosted at gopkg.abiscuola.com. So, to pull rssgoemail, please do:
go install gopkg.abiscuola.com/rssgoemail
Please, fix your imports if you are using those.