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You see an odd-looking bookshelf. Pull book?

It's late. You are seconds away from the main street in a small alley. It's quieter here, but you can still hear the sound of chatter, footsteps, and cars from busy downtown. The city is buzzing, the streets are like arteries. You see an intriguing place in the alley, with a moon on its door. It reads "The Midnight Pub".

The Midnight is a virtual pub that lets you write posts and create pages.



Latest posts:

2024-03-21 detritus - Godot

2024-03-21 threkk - 10 days until the world backup day

2024-03-20 alex - Spring is here!

2024-03-20 ew - Equinox

2024-03-20 nsequeira119 - Frames Of Reference- Chapter 13

2024-03-19 lzrd - greetings

2024-03-17 kirk781 - Usage of smartwatches

2024-03-16 nsequeira119 - Frames Of Reference- Chapter 12

2024-03-16 nsequeira119 - Frames Of Reference- Chapter 11

2024-03-16 nsequeira119 - Frames Of Reference- Chapter 10

2024-03-15 turboblack - HamsterCMS Echoes Bootstrap theme

2024-03-15 halcy0n - A new face

2024-03-13 gnuhack - Hello world!

2024-03-13 beefox - Writing more

2024-03-13 detritus - A newcomer

2024-03-13 ns - Genuine Spaces

2024-03-11 creationmyth - 01:35

2024-03-08 sherlock - The Case of Mistaken Identity Part 6

2024-03-07 sun0 - Hello there

2024-03-06 beefox - Moopsy - ASCII Art

2024-03-06 fuka_eri - What's the oldest piece of technology you still use regularly?

2024-03-06 samo - a post

2024-03-05 bastokian - New here, a few questions

2024-03-03 pandion - Some thoughts about the small web

2024-03-01 creationmyth - hello! :) first post!

2024-02-29 threkk - I won a jetson nano 2GB and need ideas about what do with it

2024-02-29 sherlock - The Case of Mistaken Identity Part 5

2024-02-29 pandion - Some thoughts about indyweb

2024-02-29 ew - 1.6 eyed or so

2024-02-29 deimos - Hello World

2024-02-29 bean - enshittification

2024-02-28 kai - What kind of music have you all been listening to.

2024-02-28 contrarian - CD Players

2024-02-27 the8thworld - embarking on a cosmic voyage.

2024-02-26 threkk - Hello world

2024-02-26 walk - Calendar recommendations?

2024-02-26 mechanicalmagpie - use it up, wear it out...

2024-02-26 beefox - an update on my game

2024-02-26 sherlock - The Case of Mistaken Identity Part 4

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2024-02-25 nsequeira119 - Frames Of Reference- Chapter 9

2024-02-24 samo - dark corner of the pub

2024-02-24 mechanicalmagpie - hello world

2024-02-24 violetsoup - Divorce!

2024-02-24 walk - cats

2024-02-24 rainy97 - daily gratitude

2024-02-23 sherlock - The Case of Mistaken Identity Part 3

2024-02-23 bean - the library

2024-02-23 walk - Where are the cows?

2024-02-23 the8thworld - this post was powered by scenecore.

2024-02-22 sakura - A new world

2024-02-22 walk - Removing radio ads

2024-02-22 inderix - New user - heya!

2024-02-22 turboblack - freshly baked release of the smallest flatfile CMS

2024-02-21 the8thworld - introductions

2024-02-21 sherlock - The Case of Mistaken Identity Part 2

2024-02-21 walk - First day here

2024-02-20 sherlock - The Case of Mistaken Identity

2024-02-18 bean - new user!

2024-02-17 sherlock - Hello.

2024-02-17 pandion - Looks like it's time for distro hoping!

2024-02-17 nsequeira119 - Stuff That Dreams Are Made Of

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2024-02-15 nsequeira119 - Frames Of Reference- Chapter 8

2024-02-14 kudzu - Canon F1

2024-02-13 aei - Sky's really pretty. oh I'm growing up too.

2024-02-13 turboblack - HamsterCMS - now works on PHP 8.*

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2024-02-11 pandion - Hello world!

2024-02-11 commence2897 - weaving forwards practically

2024-02-11 nsequeira119 - Frames Of Reference- Chapter 7

2024-02-10 memer - Computers and... stuff I guess?

2024-02-10 ahirusan - Which search engine do you use, today ?

2024-02-10 turboblack - HamsterCMS Win95 theme

2024-02-09 mendeleev - We don't have any power

2024-02-07 beefox - my brains incompatability with english

2024-02-06 mosmelev - Supermarket Nightmare

2024-02-06 nelforzo - the clown show

2024-02-05 ralfwause - Worst case scenario...

2024-02-05 frils - A shadowy figure

2024-02-04 memer - New here, this place seems nice.

2024-02-04 nsequeira119 - Frames Of Reference- Chapter 6

2024-02-03 monpetit - Ambivalence

2024-02-03 locha - Theater night on Haiti

2024-02-01 gmund - Detached

2024-02-01 linuxnerd - sold soul to telecom industry

2024-01-31 apollo - Confidence and Lindy Hop

2024-01-30 tatterdemalion - Posting small pleasures

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2024-01-29 nsequeira119 - Frames Of Reference- Chapter 5

2024-01-29 nsequeira119 - Frames Of Reference- Chapter 4

2024-01-26 2pie - How to listen to music

2024-01-26 turboblack - Development. what does it look like under Internet Explorer 5 and DOS

2024-01-26 kai - Musings of a young person.

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Midnight Pub - Small alley off mainstreet

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