Fun Facts

So, I got this thing e-mailed to me. I thought it might be fun to share it here...

│                                     │                                     │  │
│ 1. WERE YOU NAMED AFTER ANYONE?     │ Sure. Jeremiah. That guy in the     │  │
│                                     │ Bible.                              │  │
│ 2 . WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU      │ Last night.                         │  │
│ CRIED?                              │                                     │  │
│ 3. DO YOU LIKE YOUR HANDWRITING     │ Sure. It’s fairly legible.          │  │
│ 4. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE LUNCH      │ I dunno. Roast Beef.                │  │
│ MEAT?                               │                                     │  │
│ 5. DO YOU HAVE KIDS?                │ Yep.                                │  │
│ 6. IF YOU WERE ANOTHER PERSON WOULD │ I guess.                            │  │
│ YOU BE FRIENDS WITH YOU?            │                                     │  │
│ 7. DO YOU USE SARCASM A Lot?        │ I guess.                            │  │
│ 8. DO YOU STILL HAVE YOUR TONSILS   │ Yep.                                │  │
│ 9.   WOULD YOU BUNGEE JUMP?         │ Nope.                               │  │
│ 10.  WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE CEREAL?  │ I dunno. I really don’t eat cereal  │  │
│                                     │ that often.                         │  │
│ 11.  DO YOU UNTIE YOUR SHOES WHEN   │ If I have to.                       │  │
│ YOU TAKE THEM OFF?                  │                                     │  │
│ 12.  DO YOU THINK YOU ARE strong?   │ Nope.                               │  │
│                                     │                                     │  │
│ 13.  WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE ICE      │ Mint w/ Choclate Chips.             │  │
│ CREAM?                              │                                     │  │
│ 14.  WHAT IS THE FIRST THING YOU    │ Eyes.                               │  │
│ NOTICE ABOUT PEOPLE?                │                                     │  │
│ 15.  RED OR PINK?                   │ Pink.                               │  │
│ 16.  WHAT IS THE LEAST FAVORITE     │ I really cannot say in public.      │  │
│ THING ABOUT YOURSELF?               │                                     │  │
│ 17.  WHO DO YOU MISS THE MOST       │ Nobody, really.                     │  │
│ 18.  DO YOU WANT EVERYONE TO SEND   │ I don’t care.                       │  │
│ THIS BACK TO YOU?                   │                                     │  │
│ 19.  WHAT COLOR PANTS AND SHOES ARE │ Old torn and faded jeans, and an    │  │
│ YOU WEARING?                        │ old worn out pair of black Vans,    │  │
│                                     │ covered in various printing inks.   │  │
│ 20.  WHAT WAS THE LAST THING        │ A TV Dinner.                        │  │
│ YOU ATE ?                           │                                     │  │
│ 21.  WHAT ARE YOU LISTENING TO      │ The hum of the PC’s fans.           │  │
│ RIGHT NOW?                          │                                     │  │
│ 22.  IF YOU WERE A CRAYON, WHAT     │ Teal.                               │  │
│ COLOR WOULD YOU BE?                 │                                     │  │
│ 23.  FAVORITE SMELLS?               │ Bleach.                             │  │
│ 24.  WHO WAS THE LAST PERSON YOU    │                                     │  │
│ TALKED TO ON THE PHONE?             │                                     │  │

Diana. | | | 25.  DO YOU LIKE THE PERSON WHO SENT THIS TO YOU? | Sure. | | | 26.  FAVORITE SPORTS TO WATCH? | None, really. | | | 27.  HAIR COLOR? | Mine? Depends on where you look… DARK Brown, with some  lighter shade of brown, and auburn, and black. I’m a mutt. | | | 28.  EYE COLOR? | Brown. | | | 29.  DO YOU WEAR CONTACTS? | Nope. Never want to, either. I prefer glasses. | | | 30.  FAVORITE FOOD? | Varies. Right now, I’d like a fish sandwich. | | | 31.  SCARY MOVIES OR HAPPY ENDINGS? | Why not both? | | | 32.  LAST MOVIE YOU WATCHED? | Creepshow. | | | 33.  WHAT COLOR SHIRT ARE YOU WEARING? | White. | | | 34.  SUMMER OR WINTER? | Neither, really. Fall. | | | 35.  HUGS OR KISSES? | Candy or affectionate gesture? Candy – Kisses. Gesture, both. | | | 36.  FAVORITE DESSERT? | Varies. Right now, Derby Pie sounds nice. | | | 37.  MOST LIKELY TO RESPOND? | Dunno. | | | 38.  LEAST LIKELY TO RESPOND | Dunno. | | | 39. WHAT BOOK s ARE YOU READING NOW? | None, really. | | | 40.  WHAT IS ON YOUR MOUSE PAD? | Don’t have one. | | | 41.  WHAT DID YOU WATCH ON TV.Last  NIGHT? | Didn’t Watch TV. | | | 42.  FAVORITE SOUND(s)? | Um. Dunno | | | 43.  ROLLING STONES OR BEATLES? | Beatles. | | | 44.  WHAT IS THE  FARTHEST YOU HAVE BEEN FROM HOME? | Wright-Patt. AFB | | | 45.  DO YOU HAVE A SPECIAL TALENT? | Nope. | | | 46.  WHERE WERE YOU BORN? | Cynthiana, KY | | | 47.  WHOSE ANSWERS ARE YOU LOOKING FORWARD TO GETTING BACK? | Dunno. | |

Tags: #personal - random thoughts, #randomness

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Wow I feel so enlightened....


ah... but did you learn anything?


no lol, not really

Fun Facts – J. Palmer

[…] “Fun Facts” was originally published on J. Palmer […]

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