I have wanted to get a minimal web site going for a while - something that doesn't require JavaScript and consists of static files only. As a frontend dev, I still want the flexibility of React and want to bring in markdown content.
Originally Svelte looked good, but I ran into problem after problem and the implementation was clunky, but I just discovered Astro, which looks like the perfect solution!
Do many of you host a personal web site? Post a link! If you don't, why not?
4 months ago 路 馃憤 userfxnet, aelspire, arubes, kleb
I host a static site on Surge.sh - just HTML and CSS for the most part. Highly recommend them. My "landing page" is https://akrabu.net
See https://gist.github.com/ebectar/6b44cf75f63df629d2fe9e0e46bb1dec for how to deploy a React app with Surge. 路 4 months ago
I use Hugo. It's fast and simple. Makes writing for both gemini and the web easy since it builds from markdown, so the most I really have to do is convert links.
https://moddedbear.com 路 4 months ago
I've really messy python script that generates html from my gemini capsule:
I promised myself that one day I'll clean it up and publish but haven't manage to find time to do it, yet. 路 4 months ago
My personal web-presence is actually on gemini. :D I might mirror some stuff to HTTP at some point though. 路 4 months ago
for now, my personal site is at https://hashnix.club/~flipperzero via my pubnix, tho ill be hitting up a separate VPS soon so I can host a separate personal page external from that community system. 路 4 months ago