I've read Gemini described as "read-only". I find it odd since the material here has to come from somewhere. What they mean is that you have to upload via ftp or ssh or titan. But that leaves Gemini hobbled. Imagine ftp, but you can only download. *What?* With a hack, we can upload 1000 bytes at a time via GET inside Gemini. It would seem a small step for human kind to make a Gemini uploader that broke up a text into 1000 byte blocks, then uploaded them to a server that could reassemble them. Then we wpi;dmneed ftp, ssh, or titan anymore. We can do everything in band from the same application. How much of a crime against gemini would this be, on a scale of 1 to 100?
9 months ago
@chime_23 ddevault (I assume that's the blog post you're referring to) did not create gemini and was not involved in drafting the spec. Show me where solderpunk said gemini is read-only (I'm legit curious, I don't remember him ever saying that and I can't find any reference to it). · 9 months ago
@satch Re: Making Gemini do what it's not designed to do. But this 'form' I'm inputting this message into is, or so I've been led to believe, a hack. Just by participating on station.martinrue.com, we're breaking Gemini. Instead of using this form, we should be ssh'ing into our capsules, or using Titan protocol to update the page. Except I don't have a capsule, and I can't get Titan to work. So I'm abusing Gemini over here. · 9 months ago
@at_work Re: the web is read-only. Except that the web features POST, which enables long-form contributions to the server. · 9 months ago
@ mozz re: Gemini isn't read-only. But except it's creator and evangelists boast that read-only is one of its virtues. I'm posting this message through what is recognized as a "hack". But if we didn't have the hack, I wouldn't be contributing at all. So there are definite gaps between what Gemini is supposed to be, what it is, and maybe what it should be. · 9 months ago
60-80 · 9 months ago
Gemini is not and has never been “read-only”. Input was designed from day one to be used for small uploads like guestbooks or station. · 9 months ago
"Abusing" protocols is fun and maybe some abuses will takeoff. If you see a need implement it and see where it goes. DNS over TLS is not an abuse of either aspect but DNS over HTTPS is way more popular and HTTPS was certainly never intended for use as a carrier for DNS requests. · 9 months ago
In this regard the Web is also read-only. Even if you develop a website, you usually publish to it via ssh, git, CI system or other ways. Users usually add content via form fields, so no difference from things like Station on Gemini. As for chunked upload, it would be interesting if it could be used to build a photo sharing site. But yeah, it would go against the spirit of Gemini. · 9 months ago
I’m feeling like it’s pretty high on the crime scale. Here’s why: using Gemini to do what it’s not designed to do makes it suck. Gemini is amazing at what it is meant for. I can’t imagine this kind of thing would be really optimal.
In other words, follow the spirit of the law, not the letter. While it would be fun to implement this kind of thing as a proof of concept, it wouldn’t be healthy for Geminispace in general. · 9 months ago
Then we WOULDN'T NEED ftp, ssh, or titan anymore. · 9 months ago