Well just finished a bunch of Twilight II modules for your viewing pleasure!
I tried to test these as best I can, but there always seems to be a bug
that slips by every so often. If you happen to find any, please let me know.
I have a new internet account address where I can be reached;

Since this is a generic readme file, I'll quickly go over what they do and

The modules are;
t2.moon.shk - A snoring moon. Wheee... Ported from my friends PowerMac.
              (At least it quits out back unlike my friends Mac version :-)

t2.segafix.shk - There was a slight problem with my earlier Sega module, where
                 it was quiting incorrectly. This version (v1.1) fixes that
                 small problem.

t2.shadows.shk - Ever wish you had a flashlight to see in the dark?
                 ** Accelerated GS recommended **

t2.pasart.shk - This effect did not turn out the way I had planned it. It
                just doesn't look good (IMO), but here it is anyways. A simple
                effect based on Pascals Triangle.

You can also find some of my other T2 screen savers (Barney, Ripple, etc...)
on a FTP site near you. (cco, or grind if I can ever get on!)

These modules are freeware, meaning do what you like with them. But if you
wish to make a donation to Mikes Charity (thats me) my address can be found
in the Get Info Box from the Finder.

Happy New Year to all Apple users still out there.

Mike Searl