馃懡 yamato

For you to have an idea on how poorly insulated houses are in Japan, inside of my house is colder than inside my fridge. This is what your could expect if you live in a traditional house in Japan. The same would apply to apartment buildings designed for renting. There is no culture of energy preservation. If you heat your room, that heat will be dissipated in minutes. In my case, I am planning to insulate every floor, ceiling and wall sooner or later.

1 month ago 路 馃憤 remy, eph


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4 Replies

馃懡 maestrapaladin

hahahaha eu son de Mar铆n (Pontevedra). Que casualidade tan curiosa! 路 1 month ago

馃懡 yamato

@maestrapaladin Manda carallo. 路 1 month ago

馃懡 yamato

@maestrapaladin 驴De qu茅 parte de Galicia es ti? Eu viv铆n en Satiago bastantes anos, agora vivo no Xap贸n. 馃ぃ Xa non s贸 Galegos polo mundo, se non que tam茅n Galegos polas redes 馃槀 路 1 month ago

馃懡 maestrapaladin

This remainds me about the typical houses of Galicia (where I live). They are stone houses and they are cold always... and thi is a so rainy and cold region of Spain. Some of them have 100 years, and there was no culture of energy preservation... Insulate the house is a great idea and I hope help you to be more confort at your home. 路 1 month ago