������������������������������ͻ � � � THE I/O PORT � Communications with the Boards � � ������������������������������ͼ Communications from: * POLARIS BBS Home of the Telecommunications Conference * Date: 08-21-86 (10:59) Number: 169 To: ROBERT FLORES Refer#: None From: ERIC RYAN Recv'd: Yes Subj: PC GAZZETTE... WHATELSE? Sec'ty: Sender Password All I can say about the August issue is that I'm VERY dissapointed... . The First issue was great, Robert! Then you started adding all those stupid pic's and stuff... they make it look nice, but the greatly increase the size of the gazzette and make it impractical for modem transfer. And then with this last READER with all its bugs... it looks downright horrible... and the fact that you have to run the stupid batch file first to get it to work... dischipccable! I think you're going to HAVE to get some competition to get you back in fighting shape!! Let's have a nice, clean, fast issue like the 2nd or 3rd (The first one was a little slow...). The scroll thing on the new one is OK, but I prefer the old method of reading... With the old issues, I'd call a new board anywhere in the country, and they would be there. These days, I haven't even seen PCGAZ106.ARC in many of the local boards! It's a real disgrace, Robert... let's get rid of the cutsie pics and such, and make it fast, nice, and small. I hope this does you some good, Robert, and doesn't just get you embarassed or pissed at me. I'm REALLY dissapointed... hope the ol' Gaz shapes up...! Eric Lambart -- Sysop, L.A.P.D. 213-456-1121 12/2400 baud Date: 08-21-86 (21:37) Number: 171 To: ERIC RYAN Refer#: 169 From: CHRIS EPLER Recv'd: No Subj: PC GAZZETTE... WHATELSE? Sec'ty: Receiver Only Bob, I must agree on some of those points... P.S., is this going to Bob or Eric...hmmm, ooops.. oh well CaE Communications from: * VIP DATA EXCHANGE ... PC GAZETTE CONFERENCE * Date: 08-23-86 (13:04) Number: 98 To: ROBERT FLORES Refer#: None From: TED YOUNG Recv'd: Yes Subj: Q ABOUT READER.COM Sec'ty: Public Message Robert, Hi! I just got the August issue of PC-Gazzette out here in NY, and it's great! I am putting together a Disk Magazine aimed at people involved in the stock market -- a tock market newsletter on disk, and I want to know if there is any documentation, etc. for the READER program so I could make my own newsletter? Also, does READER automatically change the screens from color (if thats the way the screen was originally made) to black & white? Well, that's it, and keep up the great work! Ted Young SYSOP WSMI BBS (212) 543-9033 A Stock Market Oriented BBS Date: 08-27-86 (07:02) Number: 99 To: TED YOUNG Refer#: 98 From: ROBERT FLORES Recv'd: No Subj: Q ABOUT READER.COM Sec'ty: Public Message Thanks for the nice comments. I am getting together some notes on the READER program for those who would like them. More on that later. The only trouble is, it is in a constant state of update. The last (3.0) was full of bugs and disappointed a number of people. As for the conversion from color to b&w, yes the program strips out the color from the screens. They were made originally made in color. Robert Date: 08-29-86 (17:16) Number: 100 To: ROBERT FLORES Refer#: None From: HALSEY TAYLOR Recv'd: Yes Subj: READER 3.0 Sec'ty: Public Message FIRST OF ALL, I THINK PC-GAZZETTE IS GREAT! THE METHOD OF DISPLAY AND ISSUE CONTENTS HAVE BEEN FANTASTIC. ...BUT, WHEN I READ THE AUGUST ISSUE USING READER 3.0 I WAS DISSAPOINTED. I LIKE THE IDEA OF SCROLLING FOR THE REST OF A STORY, BUT READER 3.0 ADDED A CONFUSING SET OF KEYBOARD COMMANDS TO THE PREVIOUSLY STRAIGHT- FORWARD SET OF COMMANDS. AT FIRST, I COULDNT GET SCROLLING AT ALL, THEN I WOULD SCROLL FOR AWHILE, AND ACCIDENTLY USE PAGE DOWN THINKING IT WOULD SCROLL DOWN FASTER. OF COURSE, PAGE DOWN WENT TO THE NEXT STORY. IN GENERAL, READER 3.0 IS FAR TOO CONFUSING TO USE. TOO MANY KEYBOARD COMMANDS. MOST ARE NOT EASY TO REMEMBER, OR INTUITIVE. AGAIN, I LIKE SCROLLING STORIES, BUT CANT YOU MAKE THE KEYSTROKES SIMPLER? I DON'T LIKE TO COMPLAIN, ESPECIALLY SINCE I THINK PC-GAZETTE IS GREAT. I JUST HATE TO SEE THE READER PROGRAM BECOME SO COMPLEX AND HARD TO USE. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK, PEOPLE ARE READING YOUR ISSUES. Date: 08-29-86 (23:59) Number: 101 To: MR. GAZETTE Refer#: None From: CHARLES EICHER Recv'd: No Subj: GAZETTE, ETC. Sec'ty: Public Message ok, I finally downloaded a copy of the gazette, since I finally found a local (to me) bbs that has it available. But I have a few questions: What is Gallery? was this some utility available in a back issue? if so, you better provide it in a separate ARC file so new issues that have gallery pictures can read them. I also agree that we need the docs for TA. it is completely useless without documentation. also, I must remark that I didn't find a single item of interest in the june (or was it july) issue. Shouldn't you consider the content of the magazine a little more closely? If you get lost in the format of the magazine, the content suffers. For example, a half page of graphics to announce that a Syntax's column will not appear this month?? As a professional in publication and typesetting, I have to tell you one basic fact: Format must be subservient to content. Jazzy graphics cant help a bit if you don't have anything to say of interest. If you just want to produce neat graphics programs, go for it! But don't advertise it as a magazine. With this, I go to download the current issue. Hope there's more content in this one.... Date: 08-30-86 (00:44) Number: 102 To: MR. FLORES Refer#: None From: CHARLES EICHER Recv'd: No Subj: GAZETTE? Sec'ty: Public Message I just spent 15 minutes downloading the new gazette so I could learn such interesting things as: The correct spelling of platypus (by the way, plural is platypi not platypuses), and that the compaq 286 is faster than the ibm? Come on! This stuff isnt worth downloading, let alone the trouble it takes to set it into the reader format. To paraphrase Winston Churchill, "Never has so much been done by so few for so little a result"... Get it together, guys! If you don't have anything interesting to say, you can always find something more interesting (like a page from the phone book)... Sorry if this is harsh, but I invite your rebuttal. Maybe you ought to take a closer look at this job. For example look at the Databoard: ATDT766-6442 (sorry that was from my dialer) its in the 818 area code; they do an excellent job preparing interesting and useful data. I wish you luck with your gazette, but you better get it together fast. Nothing is more fickle than an audience. You will have to work hard to keep yours. Date: 08-30-86 (06:46) Number: 103 To: ROBERT FLORES Refer#: None From: JAY GRAHAM Recv'd: Yes Subj: FORM VS CONTENT Sec'ty: Public Message Wow! Those guys hit real hard. I think they are being sincere, though. They want you to be successful and offer their comments to try and assist you with an objective view of what you are doing. I hope that you don't get discouraged by them though. Maybe you need to collaborate with others to get material of greater interest. There is material you might want to check out at a MICROLINK user group meeting. We have some information from IBM, members with expertize in writing composition, various program demonstrations that might look good reported in print and other topics that might interest the computing public at large. If we at MICROLINK can be of any assistance to you in keeping this unique and superior product continuing, then don't hesitate to call on us. This is one of the reason's we formed the user group. There are a lot of other benefits, too, but support of the computer user is still the main priority. Keep up the great work and don't be put off by what is offered as constructive criticism. This is a learning process for all of us. Sincerely your; Jay Graham, President MICROLINK User's Group Date: 08-30-86 (17:31) Number: 104 To: MR. FLORES Refer#: None From: CHARLES EICHER Recv'd: No Subj: SINCERITY Sec'ty: Public Message Yes, I was sincere, and I do hope you succeed. Nothing would please me more than a readable, interesting magazine in this format. Date: 08-31-86 (06:47) Number: 105 To: CHARLES EICHER Refer#: 102 From: ROBERT FLORES Recv'd: No Subj: GAZETTE? Sec'ty: Public Message First off, recheck your dictionary for the correct plural of platypus. My dictionary uses both spellings and it's a normal type dictionary. Even if it wasn't proper, the writer used it in a area that didn't require such accuracy. It was in an article on nonsense, remember? The articles are submitted by various persons and if during a month none of those contributed seem interesting, we are sorry. Maybe our type of media is not your cup of tea. But, hopefully, you will find something in the upcoming issues. The August issue was large and complex and confusing and full of bugs. No excuses. The September issue will go back to some of the things that made the eariler issues nice. I will still have scrolling but with simpler commands. I think you might be able to help us get the Gazette "together". If you can formulate your dissatifactions so eloquently and certainly get your point across, we would sure like to read an article written by you. How about it? Could you help us? Most of us claim no great journalistic skills (I'm a layout person myself and it's enough to just come up with the Ramblings). Please don't get me wrong. This is not a challenge. Just a request. If a person sees a better way and can do something about it, then maybe he should. Soapbox handed over for further discussion... Thanks for comments. They were enlightening.....Robert Date: 08-31-86 (07:02) Number: 106 To: JAY GRAHAM Refer#: 103 From: ROBERT FLORES Recv'd: No Subj: FORM VS CONTENT Sec'ty: Public Message Thanks for the support. I would love to come to your meetings. Unfortunely, they are on at a time I devote to my family. Priorities and such, I normally won't be able to make it. One of these days I will try and come. I am not put off by the comments. But hopefully these guys will accept any positive changes or even help out by contributing to the content of the Gazette. One thing many people don't realize is that everything in the Gazette is contributed and done without any reimbursement. Hey the Gazette is free, remember. It also requires time on all the authors' parts as well as my own. Some issue will have a lot of great articles and some may not (a lot, that is.). But over all, I think that the Gazette has been received as a good thing. We listen to the criticism and will try to improve the quality of the mag. If there are better writers, then let them write. Let's make the Gazette better. The opening words on it are "A User-supported Newsletter". I hope to keep it that way: by listening to suggestions and by publishing the best CONTRIBUTED articles each month. Don't judge August's issue as the wave of the future. The September issue will get back to basics. It will be tighter and smaller. It won't take up your precious download time like the last couple. Hope you like the changes. We DO listen....Robert Date: 08-31-86 (07:06) Number: 107 To: CHARLES EICHER Refer#: 104 From: ROBERT FLORES Recv'd: No Subj: SINCERITY Sec'ty: Public Message Yes I know you are sincere. My request is only if you feel can contribute then please do. Everything about the Gazette is voluntary. It's for the Public Domain and will continue to be that way. Thanks again for the comments. I accept them in the spirit they were given and hope that you will find the future issues improved because of them. Robert Date: 09-02-86 (00:38) Number: 108 To: ROBERT FLORES Refer#: 105 From: CHARLES EICHER Recv'd: Yes Subj: GAZETTE? Sec'ty: Public Message No, I wouldn't make remarks like that if I wasn't prepared to back em up. I would be glad to write a short article for the gazette, but time will be a little tight (isn't it always?) for the near future, due to me just quitting my job at Computerland. I'm sure I have a lot to say, especially since I've been in microcomputers since before the Apple I. The question is, what is the audience, and what do they want to read? If this is a magazine for all the BBS hacker kiddies, I don't know what they're into (maybe a review of my new skateboard). I don't think there is much of an audience for C programming either, anyone into C already has their own sources of info, I'm sure. Somewhere inbetween is a happy medium. I think its about time for an audience survey of some kind.. This would be kind of hard, since PCgaz will drift around the country like all DNloads do. Let me know if you have any suggestions for articles or topics of interest to the readers. p.s. I thought the new reader is really hard to use. It would be more logical to use Ctrl-Pgdn for changing chapters and pgdn for flipping pages instead of your vice versa arrangement. Most programs use PgDn in this fashion, using Ctrl-PgDn for an "Amplified" pgdn of some sort. P.P.S. you havent got the new gazette listed in the dnload files section yet... Date: 09-02-86 (07:32) Number: 109 To: CHARLES EICHER Refer#: 108 From: ROBERT FLORES Recv'd: Yes Subj: GAZETTE? Sec'ty: Public Message Glad to hear you would help out. I will probably open the future directions to the readers in a survey with the Sept issue. The Sept issue is not out if that's the one you refer to. Yes version 3.0 is(was) a mess!!! I rewrote the scrolling routine and it uses the natural keys of up,down,pgdn,pgup,home, end. Also it will be back to double columns on most pages. So the scroll will be for full page and individual columns. The thought of Ctrl-PgDn for changing sections is one I hadn't thought of. Maybe.... I glad to hear from you and welcome any improvements to the mag. It gets hard to be objective when it's your baby. That's what this conference is for: Keeping us on our toes....Be talking to you...Robert Date: 09-02-86 (13:03) Number: 110 To: ROBERT FLORES Refer#: 106 From: JAY GRAHAM Recv'd: Yes Subj: FORM VS CONTENT Sec'ty: Public Message Your doing a great job, Robert. Keep up the good work and I think your requests for article submission is a terrific idea. It's amazing how we take a free product and pick it apart, demanding more from the originator than we should. Yours is not the only item to which I am refering (take a look at the ZIP conference on the Diamond Bar BBS and see what they do to Ed Dong). We should be grateful and less critical to the people who utilize their time to give us such wonderful computer programs. I didn't see the August issue of the GAZETTE but I know the quality that is attempted by the producer. I am glad he goes to such effort on my part to bring me a unique way of spreading information. Now let's hear more support for our editor and suggestions for improvement stated in a thankful tone (or else in a "Receiver Only" message). Nuff said...........................JAY Date: 09-03-86 (07:00) Number: 111 To: JAY GRAHAM Refer#: 110 From: ROBERT FLORES Recv'd: Yes Subj: FORM VS CONTENT Sec'ty: Public Message Hey, if the product is getting stale, the maker should be told about it. Of course everyone likes to told his creation is the greatest thing since seedless watermelons but usually it isn't. The Gazette depends on user/reader feedback in order to keep fresh and lively. Starting with the Sept. issue there will be a section called "The I/O Port" which will be exactly that: input and output between PC users. This board and others will be supporting a simple network that will provide lively discussion between users. Selected portions of these messages will be published in each issue. Hopefully this endeavour will be supported. Anyway, thanks again for your support....Robert Date: 09-04-86 (02:16) Number: 114 To: JAY GRAHAM Refer#: 110 From: DAVID DENNEN Recv'd: No Subj: FORM VS CONTENT Sec'ty: Public Message Jay, I'm sorry, but I must go against your will and say one more thing. My last message was definately out of my uncalm and uncollective self, but I meant it. I would like to further one of your points about "demanding more from the originator". It is the many messages of hard core non-sence to the others that contain resonable suggestions that make all the public domain programs what they are. If people were not open about what they felt about a certain software package, how would th e originator know what the heak the end user wants? I'm glad they we have this thing called the Public Domain. Let's utilize it for the benefit of all of us, and continue to support those who support it. Dave. Date: 09-04-86 (03:03) Number: 115 To: ALL Refer#: None From: CHARLES EICHER Recv'd: (n/a) Subj: CALM DOWN! Sec'ty: Public Message OK already! I once again forgot, that we sometimes state things more forcefully through these mediums, including gripes, so they can be blown out of proportion.. Sorry for blowing off some steam, but I think we are all frustrated at the amount of time and effort it takes to do things like the gazette, or write articles, or set up and collate all that material. I certainly would like to see more and fatter gazettes, with a surplus of articles & etc contributed by the public. To start things rolling, I will contribute some article & etc. info. Date: 09-04-86 (23:11) Number: 998 To: SYSOP Refer#: 937 From: BOB LANCASTER Recv'd: No Subj: VALIDATION Sec'ty: Public Message Thanks for the validation! Now I think I'll return to the bloodshed in the Gazette conference and see how Robert Flores is holding up... Things seem to get a little hot over there, but that's a sign of a need conference, I suppose. Later! -Bob L.