👽 maxheadroom

Yikes, looks like Kristall lost 90% of the bookmarks i made over the past week... DAMN thats annoying as most navigation relies on bookmarks.... I'm slightly pissed while still keeping in mind that all of this had wrinkles that need to be ironed out. This is a wrinkle i could do without, and i hope that my log can help in putting this wrinkle on the ironing todo list. :-)

1 week ago · 👍 m0xee


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9 Replies

👽 m0xee

@maxheadroom Sure, check Go out!

It's all subjective of course, but I think it's even better at readability than Rust. Google connection aside, it's one of my favourite modern languages. There is lot of Gemini software in go other than already mentioned Amfora: gssg static gemlog generation software, Duckling HTTP to Gemini proxy, Kineto Gemini to HTTP proxy — all of them are in Go. And I'm pretty sure there are lots of other software, including Gemini servers. · 1 week ago

👽 maxheadroom

@m0xee that is... i'm the king of thai-pos · 1 week ago

👽 maxheadroom

@m)xee, my mind is not wired for coding, i did several attempts to rewire it and to some extend I managed to make progress, but i'm not anywhere close to where i'd hoped to be. I recently looked into Rust and that looks managable to tinker with. I will have a look at GO. And i hope that i'm not going to be tackled by FUD. It sounds good, lets see if my neurons can figure it out.:-) · 1 week ago

👽 m0xee

@maxheadroom Ha-ha, true!

Amfora is a normal Go project in fact, its own documentation is somewhat wordy about it, but nothing is easier than building those: if you have Go toolchain installed just use "go install" to install it to your ~/go/bin or "go build" to build a binary right in the source directory. With reference Go toolchain the resulting binary is statically linked, you can just copy it over to any machine using the same OS and same architecture. It can be built this way even in Windows — like I said, nothing's easier 😄 · 1 week ago

👽 maxheadroom

@m0xee LOL, phartpones should be phorbidden, it's more cute to konstrokt yer own ty-poz, i figured out the Amphora thai-po yet i still need to see how to install it · 1 week ago

👽 m0xee

@maxheadroom Just put amfora's bookmark file under version control (place a symlink to it in original file's location) and convert it once in a while with the script. I do it manually now, but it's something you can do with a cron job. Not perfect, but it suits my workflows. · 1 week ago

👽 m0xee

@maxheadroom Oh, my! I swear to god, I should stop using swipe-enabled onscreen-keyboards for posting, that reply contains so many typos.

It's not Amora of course, but Amfora, a well-known (and no longer maintained) Gemini browser: https://github.com/makew0rld/amfora

I wouldn't advise it as a great tool for posting, the way it supports variable-width characters, but it covers my read-only Gemini needs and it's the tool I use to manage bookmarks.����

Here is my script: gemini://m0xEE.Net/pub/xbel_to_gemtext.py again, it's not perfect, nor foolproof, something I quickly hacked together, but it works for me. · 1 week ago

👽 maxheadroom

@m0xee that sounds like music i'll have a look Amora and see if i can survive in TUI space, and hope that i don't feel like lobster.. A bookmark capsule makes good sense. · 1 week ago

👽 m0xee

I keep my bookmarks in Amora — a TUI browser can run almost on every machine, and I do have it on nearly all my machines. I have made a short Python script to parse its bookmarks file a make a normal Gemtext page of it. I put this page on my capsule and in Lagrange you can subscribe to the page and use it as a bookmarks source. This way my bookmarks are in sync everywhere and available as a normal page so I can use it even with in configured Gemini browser. · 1 week ago