Thought: the culture you grow in irrevocably influences your thought so much that a major reason the world is socially more fractured now is because the world is changing faster and faster (internet), making it harder for each successive micro-generation to relate to the previous and fundamentally understand the ideas they hold dear.
This occurred when I realised just how much "being Finnish from the early 90s" has to do with any argument I might have with someone from a different country. Very subtle, usually, but I've been paying attention more, lately. No one was born in a vacuum without cultural ideas, just associations made to stimuli. Arbitrary base truths.
4 weeks ago
I'm going to have to agree with @corscada here in that there are definitely "internet people" in the world today whose culture is largely influenced by online/global events rather than offline/local ones.
As a counter to the pessimistic tone though, I'll say that this type of connected culture has been a real comfort to me as I have needed to change my home country several times. ยท 3 weeks ago
counter thought: the world is now more homogenous culturally thanks to the internet. since everyone is experiencing a shared internet culture together, and now micro generational trends have a much bigger impact as adoption of them is not tied to borders.
counter counter thought: this homogenisation of culture on the internet is terrible for keeping alive traditions and culture in every part of the world. Also since this global culture is influenced by so many people trends happen at a much faster rate widening the cultural gap between those on and off the internet and even those within different spaces of the internet. ยท 4 weeks ago