Hugo Wetterberg hugo at
Sun Jan 31 20:06:59 GMT 2021
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Hi all,
I read Omar Polos mail to the list yesterday and realised that maybeit's time to stop lurking and actually say hi.
I'm running a personal capsule on gemini:// thatmostly has been about Gemini application development. I used thechristmas break to get started on some projects that had been brewing inthe back of my head since I started reading the CAPCOM feed. It's a joyto work in such a restricted design space after many years of web andinformation system development work.
My projects are avaliable here gemini:// and onSourcehut. A quick round-up:
gemini-git: serves up my public Sourcehut git repositories as a geminicapsule, it's what runs the repos subdomain.
gemini-paper: creates a daily digest as a PDF or ePUB document using alist of gemsub/Atom/RSS subscriptions. I use this to get a morningnewspaper delivered to my e-reader.gemini://
gemlog-server: is a git-driven gemlog server that I use to publish myposts. The workflow is described here:gemini://
gemini-cfdocs: is a pretty niche service that lets me (and anyone elsethat occupies this unprobable venn diagram slice) access the AWSCloudformation docs in a non-horrible way.
gemini-proxy: is a proxy service that allows me to expose the differentgemini servers on a standard port on the same server.
gemini-ignorant: is a gemini-to-http proxy for all those people we careabout even if they don't care about gemini.
Thank you for being a more human-friendly, and human-driven alternativeto an increasingly hostile web.
Cheers,Hugo Wetterberg