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gemini browsers

Nikolay Korotkiy sikmir at gmail.com

Tue Feb 9 17:21:04 GMT 2021

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Lagrange supports playing audio.

Jose Cruz kirjoitti 9.2.2021 klo 20.18:

Hi. I have a question regarding the gemini browsers. I came across
gemini recently and I was wondering about the browsers.
Please correct me if I am wrong in any of my understandings.
It seems one of the key components of the gemini project is that once
the client makes a request to the server, the server fills the request
and then the connection closes.
Also - gemini does not have inline image displays.
My question is - would it be against gemini protocol to build a browser
that would be able to open audio files or http audio streams as well as
image files in the same window? Or - has this already been done?
Thank you!

-- Best regards,Nikolay