[1] CONSIDER the night as it veils [the earth] in darkness,
[2] and the day as it rises bright!
[3] Consider the creation of the male and the female!
[4] Verily, [O men,] you aim at most divergent ends!
[5] Thus, as for him who gives [to others] and is conscious of God,
[6] and believes in the truth of the ultimate good
[7] for him shall We make easy the path towards [ultimate] ease.
[8] But as for him who is niggardly, and thinks that he is self-sufficient,
[9] and calls the ultimate good a lie –
[10] for him shall We make easy the path towards hardship:
[11] and what will his wealth avail him when he goes down [to his grave]?
[12] BEHOLD, it is indeed for Us to grace [you] with guidance;
[13] and, behold, Ours is [the dominion over] the life to come as well as [over] this earlier part [of your life]:
[14] and so I warn you of the raging fire -
[15] [the fire] which none shall have to endure but that most hapless wretch
[16] who gives the lie to the truth and turns away [from it].
[17] For, distant from it shall remain he who is truly conscious of God:
[18] he that spends his possessions [on others] so that he might grow in purity –
[19] not as payment for favours received,
[20] but only out of a longing for the countenance of his Sustainer, the All-Highest:
[21] and such, indeed, shall in time be well-pleased.