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News----good, bad, ugly? You decide (was Re: [spec] comments on the proposed gemini spec revisions)

Sean Conner sean at conman.org

Thu Oct 21 02:19:49 BST 2021

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It was thus said that the Great Anna “CyberTailor” once stated:

On 2021-10-20 19:39, Sean Conner wrote:
Oh, and one more thing---my Gemini site has been down for the past few
days. Why? Mainly because I got tired of poorly written Gemini bots stuck
in my redirection tests for *weeks!* If the authors don't care that their
bots are wasting time and resources on following endless redirects, then I
don't care about outing these idiots. These are the top 10 bots over the
past four weeks:
This is disappointing. Gemini was meant for humans but got full of
stupid* bots (like everything on the net).
* disrespecting robots.txt, the protocol spec and common sense

Yeah, tell me about it. Here's the robots.txt I had (have):

User-agent: *Disallow: /test/redirhell

Following content a mirror of http://boston.conman.org/

User-agent: archiverDisallow: /test/redirhellDisallow: /boston

And the majority of traffic to my site? Bots. Crawling through/test/redirhell or /boston.

Fail2ban or "44 slow down" can be used to stop them though.

Yes. Or you know, just as easy to stop running the server.
