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Request for feedback from server/client implementers using non-OpenSSL TLS stacks

Jason McBrayer jmcbray at carcosa.net

Mon Nov 8 14:15:04 GMT 2021

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Solderpunk <solderpunk at posteo.net> writes:

But I realise that there's potentially a lot of difference between
between a green box on a Wikipedia page and actual practical,
compatible real world implementation. So I would like to ask authors
of Gemini servers or clients which use a TLS stack other than OpenSSL
whether or not they have encountered any problems actually using TLS

I'd like to note that in my CL Gemini implementations (Germinal server,and cl-gemini-client client), I /do/ use OpenSSL, and /support/ TLS 1.3,but due to the way the cl+ssl wrapper is written, I'm unable to forceTLS 1.3-only. I've tried to submit patches upstream that would enabledoing so, but it's too hard for me to meet the requirements for multipleCL implementations and multiple OpenSSL versions, so I've kind of givenup.

-- Jason McBrayer | “Strange is the night where black stars rise,jmcbray at carcosa.net | and strange moons circle through the skies, | but stranger still is lost Carcosa.” | ― Robert W. Chambers,The King in Yellow