
Check Kickstart images under Windows

other (romanworkshop )


fix1980.lha (util/arc)

Fix an lha with timestamps of 1980

generic (Stefan Haubenthal)

WhatIFF2.12.lha (mags/misc)

What IFF? #2.12-December-2023

generic (submissions whatiff info)

AmiArcadia.lha (misc/emu)

Signetics-based machines emulator

m68k-amigaos >= 3.9.2 (James Jacobs)

AmiArcadia-OS4.lha (misc/emu)

Signetics-based machines emulator

ppc-amigaos >= 4.0.0 (James Jacobs)


tekstura_4_points.lha (dev/amos)

4 point texture mapping

generic (laffik laffik com)

heif-convert.lha (gfx/conv)

Convert HEIC HEIF images to jpeg or png

m68k-amigaos >= 3.0.0 (Vic Ferry)

ZIPTest-1.1.lha (util/misc)

test Amiga 3000 ZIP DRAM memory chips

m68k-amigaos (Chris Hooper)

ViNCEd.lha (util/shell)

ViNCEd, the CON: with ^Z & TAB Expand

m68k-amigaos >= 2.0.0 (Thomas Richter)


woof.lha (game/actio)

Woof (Doom Port)

ppc-amigaos (Ryan Dixon)

morsconv.lha (text/misc)

Modular Morse code generator

m68k-amigaos >= 3.0 (RastPort)

GitDesktop.lha (dev/misc)

Graphical frontend for git

ppc-morphos >= 3.0 (Rafal Zabdyr)

Crazy8_A500_DiskVersion.lha (game/think)

Crazy8 OCS Disk Version

m68k-amigaos >= 1.0 (VincentGR)


AmiVms.lha (misc/emu)

Simulates OpenVMS commands

m68k-amigaos (kwwoolridge )


v4sa_wb_2024.png (pix/wb)

Vampire V4 Standalone Workbench in 2024

generic (Matthias Muench)

Mnemosyne.lha (util/misc)

Disk usage statistics+file/folder utility

m68k-amigaos >= 3.0.0 (Aris Sokianos)

IdentifyUsr.lha (util/libs)

Identify hardware and more

m68k-amigaos >= 2.0.4 (Richard Koerber)

IdentifyDev.lha (util/libs)

Identify hardware and more

m68k-amigaos >= 2.0.4 (Richard Koerber)

AmiVms.lha (misc/emu)

Simulates OpenVMS commands

m68k-amigaos (kwwoolridge )


Image2PDF.lha (util/conv)

convert images to PDF and more

m68k-amigaos; ppc-amigaos; ppc-morphos; i386-aros (Bernd Assenmacher)


JP20.lha (demo/mag)

Jurassic Pack #20

m68k-amigaos (lsobiraj protonmail com)

WarpWebPdt.lha (util/dtype)

WebP image datatype V45.5

m68k-amigaos >= 3.0.0; ppc-amigaos; ppc-warpup; ppc-morphos (Oliver Roberts) (util/misc)

Versatile Amiga Testprogram

m68k-amigaos >= 1.1 (J.J. Caspers)


VA2000.card.lha (driver/video)

Alternative VA2000 P96 driver

m68k-amigaos >= 3.0 (Thomas Richter)

P96Prefs.lha (driver/video)

P96 Preferences Editor

m68k-amigaos >= 3.2 (Thomas Richter)

IdentifyLib_FR.lha (util/libs)

French catalog and docs for identify.lib

generic (filipe brandao2 fnac net)

2024-01-09 (util/misc)

Versatile Amiga Testprogram

m68k-amigaos >= 1.1 (J.J. Caspers)


TunnelsAndTrolls.lha (game/role)

Implementation of Tunnels & Trolls RPG

m68k-amigaos >= 2.0.0 (James Jacobs)

IdentifyUsr.lha (util/libs)

Identify hardware and more

m68k-amigaos >= 2.0.4 (Richard Koerber)

IdentifyDev.lha (util/libs)

Identify hardware and more

m68k-amigaos >= 2.0.4 (Richard Koerber)

IcePrincess.lha (mods/8voic)

16bit 6ch Wiener Royal Waltz by HKvalhe

generic (Helge Kvalheim)


VA2000.card.lha (driver/video)

Alternative VA2000 P96 driver

m68k-amigaos >= 3.0 (Thomas Richter)

P96Prefs.lha (driver/video)

P96 Preferences Editor

m68k-amigaos >= 3.2 (Thomas Richter)


netsurf_os3.lha (comm/www)

Fast CSS capable web browser

m68k-amigaos >= 3.5.0 (Chris Young)

clouds_motion.lha (dev/amos)

points coordinates extrapolation

generic (laffik laffik com)

MCE-MOS.lha (game/edit)

Multi-game Character Editor

ppc-morphos (Stefan Haubenthal)

AmiVms.lha (misc/emu)

Simulates OpenVMS commands

m68k-amigaos (kwwoolridge )


weirdo_synth.lha (dev/amos)

simple synth for amos pro

generic (laffik laffik com)

netsurf.lha (comm/www)

Fast CSS capable web browser

ppc-amigaos >= 4.0.0 (Chris Young)

MCE.lha (game/edit)

Multi-game Character Editor

m68k-amigaos >= 3.9.2 (James Jacobs)

MCE-OS4.lha (game/edit)

Multi-game Character Editor

ppc-amigaos >= 4.0.0 (James Jacobs)

AmiArcadiaMOS.lha (misc/emu)

Signetics-based machines emulator

ppc-morphos (Stefan Haubenthal)


EasyRapa.lha (dev/hwood)

generate RapaGui simple app structure

ppc-amigaos; ppc-morphos; i386-aros (Sandro Barbagelata)

xlist.lha (dev/misc)

Analyze AmigaDOS modules + link libraries

m68k-amigaos (lovemyamiga gmx de)

xlink.lha (dev/misc)

Virtual linking of AmigaDOS modules

m68k-amigaos (lovemyamiga gmx de)

PWGen.lha (util/cli)

Passwort Generator

ppc-amigaos >= 4.0.0 (mail amiga4ever net)

Amix560.lha (comm/amiex)

AmiExpress BBS system redeveloped in E

m68k-amigaos >= 2.0.4 (Darren Coles)

ACE-MorphOS.lha (misc/emu)

Amstrad CPC/CPC+ Emulator

ppc-morphos (Philippe Rimauro)


morsconv.lha (text/misc)

Conv. text 2 various forms of Morse code

m68k-amigaos >= 3.0 (RastPort)

ReportPlusMOS.lha (util/misc)

Multipurpose utility

ppc-morphos (Stefan Haubenthal)

[Older Entries]