





Found south of ψ Aquarii. The primary does not seem brighter, but simply "larger". The secondary is almost as bright, but shows up as a pin-prick of light in comparison. Both appear yellow-white.



This is a redo from April 3rd, and this time I got much better results. AV is not necessary at all, but it does help add definition to the shape and brings out a few flecks of light in the middle of the cluster. Much bigger than what I expected and remembered seeing back in April.

At this point I'm done with everything on my list from 9h to 23h. When I started this year I was still learning the basics and I didn't finalize my goals for the year until spring so I have some targets that I missed in the 0h to 8h range. Moving forward I'm going to attempt some early morning observations to catch them before the end of the year. Between the Messier catalog and the Astro League double-star list, I have 47 targets left!