Threats of suicide Page 1 of 3 Procedures Threats of suicide Status: Checked in and viewable by authorized users. Procedures > Pages > Maintain-Client-Details > Threats-of-suicide Threats of suicide This procedure outlines how to manage and handle a genuine threat of suicide from a client. This may be received via a telephone call or letter. These cases are transferred to the Special Client Records (SCR) team by creating a service request (SR) and setting the personal interest (PI) marker. The decision to set the PI marker is authorised by a team leader and higher executive officer. Once authorised, the SR is transferred to the Special Client Records (SCR) team who progress the case. The PI marker is only removed once the Special Client Records (SCR) team consider suicide is no longer a threat or following a three month review date. Once the PI marker is removed the case is returned to business as usual. Useful guidance has been devised Handling threats of suicide or self-harm For more information refer to the policy, law and decision making guidance. When speaking to clients always use the new terminology - for more information refer to Terminology Changes. Client Threat 1. Following or during contact with a client, the client makes a threat of suicide, remain calm and listen carefully to the client. Discuss the call with your team leader (TL) who will support you through the call. The Department for Work and Pensions have a six point framework to follow: ■ Take the statement seriously – Remain calm and listen carefully ■ Summon a colleague - to act as a support partner ■ Gather information - to gauge level of risk ■ Provide referral advice – if situation is non-urgent, e.g. general distress but no immediate plans or means to attempt suicide or self harm ■ Summon Emergency help – if customer is distressed at serious risk or in immediate danger ■ Review – Discuss incident with line manager and record After the call, the team leader should discuss the case with the SCR Team Leader and take appropriate action. Complete the Record of customer declaration of intention to attempt suicide or self harm form and then send it to the Special Client Records (SCR) inbox - CM 2012 SCHEME Special Client Records. Once this action has been completed, and the threat of suicide is considered to be genuine, the case should be referred to the Special Client Records. For more information on actions to take refer to Handling threats of suicide or self- harm. Further useful information can be found Customers Suicide and Self Harm. If a threat of suicide is received and the client is not on the 2012 scheme complete the Record of customer declaration of intention to attempt suicide or self harm and forward to the appropriate scheme for action, refer to Correspondence - Transfer Between Schemes Create a service request (SR) 2. Create an SR to refer the case for personal interest status. From the drop down lists select: ■ Process = Special case management ■ Area = Personal interest ■ Sub area = Referral ■ Reason = Commission defined For more information about sensitive cases please refer to the Policy, law and decision making guidance. 3. Drill down on the SR hyperlink, select the case icon and attach the SR to the case. Change the status (sub status is automatically updated) to In Progress. This creates an activity plan. 4. Record the reason for referral in the contact notes field as 'Special welfare' and add any relevant information. 08/08/2017 Threats of suicide Page 2 of 3 5. Update the status of the SR to Pending Approval and the sub status of the SR to Pending approval - TL. A task is automatically created in the TL approval inbox. TL action/authorisation 6. Discuss the call with your HEO and confirm whether the case should be referred to Special Client Records (SCR) Team. If the case is to be referred complete a warm handover of the case to the Special Client Records (SCR) Team Leader by calling 01752 352655. Provide the SCR Team Leader with details of the case (eg Client name, scheme identification number (SCIN) case number and SR number), the decision made by the HEO and the completed Record of customer declaration of intention to attempt suicide or self harm. 7. Select the Inbox field and the Inbox items list. View the caseworker comments and from the action field drop down menu, select approved or rejected. Complete the TL comments field. Ensure that the caseworker has fully documented the call in the clients Contact Notes 8. If the request is approved the SR status is automatically updated to In progress and the sub status to Approved. 9. If the request is rejected enter the appropriate reasons for rejection in the Comments tab. A system prompt alerts users to complete this field if omitted. Where you're rejecting the referral in the belief that case doesn't warrant being dealt with by SCR. Continue to monitor the case along with your HEO until the current case action is satisfied. Caseworker action 10. Update the resolution code to Personal Interest Not Valid and complete the action suggested by the TL and go back to step 3 to resubmit to your team leader if appropriate. 11. If the request is approved, set the Resolution Code to Personal Interest Approved and update the TL Activity Plan steps to Done or N/A. Once all activity steps are completed update the SR Status to Closed and the Sub Status to Complete. This will route the case to the special client records team for their action and ownership. Special client records team Show caution if speaking to the other party in the case to ensure you do not disclose any sensitive information about the circumstances of the case. You may wish to seek additional support with the call from your team leader. For threat of suicide cases, the PI marker is only set against the specific case/client and not against the associated contacts. For more information refer to Personal Interest - Register. 12. Once the Special Client Records team consider suicide is no longer a threat or following a three month review date, the PI marker is removed. Complete the Review of incident – Customer declaration of intention to attempt suicide or self harm and send it your team leader. For guidance on making a decision that suicide is no longer a threat refer to Customers Suicide and Self Harm. 13. Set a three month review date by creating a wait activity as follows: ■ In the activity list select new ■ From the drop down type field select wait ■ Complete the description free text field as three month review date and the date the activity was started ■ Set the status as In progress ■ Select the due date icon and highlight the reminder date ■ Check the alarm box A pop up reminder is displayed on the system on the date selected. 14. All SCR caseworkers or TLs can remove the PI marker as follows: ■ Select all contacts view ■ Search for the contact ■ Select the hyperlink on the contact name ■ Select the show more icon ■ Update the reason field to N ■ Update the Personal Interest checkbox to N ■ Return the case/s to business as usual Where notification is received of a client suicide this must be immediately escalated to the Line of Business Director. No further action should be taken on the case which could impact the situation, for more information refer to Death - Receiving Parent or Death - Paying Parent NI Exceptions NI caseworkers are not requirement to tranfer the case to the Specialist Client Records Team (Sensitive Case Team). The relevant Team Leader and EO1 are responsible for making a decision on the most appropriate action to take. 08/08/2017 Threats of suicide Page 3 of 3 Record of customer declaration of intention to attempt suicide or self harm Review of incident – Customer declaration of intention to attempt suicide or self harm Customers Suicide and Self Harm Death - Paying Parent Death - Receiving Parent Death - QC Death - ROC/CIFBA Personal Interest - Register Terminology Changes 08/08/2017