where did May go?

This is pretty random, but it’s what I’ve been up to in May.

minecraft and other switch games

I was toying with building a memory palace in MineCraft but just ended up frittering away a bunch of hours building things with family. I took a break from that and started looking for some other games and discovered that there are plans to release Fantasy Life on the Switch. I’m really looking forward to wasting huge amounts of my time in that game. I absolutely loved it on the 3DS. I played the Japanese version for several months while waiting for the US version to become available. I still get it out on occasion to play it.

It sounds like Level 5 is going to increase how much you can customize the world, which sounds like they were heavily influenced by Pokemon Mystery Dungeon (3DS), Dragon Quest Builders 2 (Switch), Animal Crossing (Switch), and the like. Some of these titles I have also sunk many hours into.

eternal fantasy

On the topic of games, I was playing a little more Eternal Fantasy and getting comfortable with the Sage-style class changes. They extended the concept of staggered targets that I had some experience with in the melee classes to the white and black magic classes. I was getting comfortable enough with the new abilities that it would finally be fun to party with others to do something, but I haven’t seen anyone other than developers logged into that game in quite some time, so I went looking for something new. At some point I ended up in Achaea. This lead me down a rabbit hole of trying various other mud clients.

tintin (and other mud client diversions)

I tried TinyFugue and Tintin++ at the CLI, mudlet, Blowtorch, and Nexus for GUIs. Mudlet has premade maps for Achaea, but other than that was a little cumbersome for macros and triggers. (I’m not sure if I’ve used Lua since the early years of World of Warcraft.) Blowtorch I tried briefly on an old android device. It was okay with a tablet, but I only toyed with it for a few minutes. Nexus is the web-based client for Iron Realms Entertainment MUDS, of which Achaea is one. The maps were perfect, they support macros and all the typical mud features, but I didn’t like having to drag the mouse around to deal with various UI elements. Help text, for example, popped up these not quite windows.

So I ended up back at Tintin++. TinyFugue didn’t get a fair chance, so I might go back and check that out, but tintin++ has been nice. The goofy syntax for the scripting was a little weird at first, but I got used to it. I discovered that you could make “buttons” so I wrote a python script to generate the appropriate syntax.

Why buttons in a CLI? So that I can play from my PinePhone without SSH.


I’m enjoying the lore and the class abilities (I made a Monk) in Achaea, but I haven’t been able to make the time to play it with other people, which was the whole reason for starting on a new MUD. I might write about Achaea some more if I stay there. I will no doubt stick around for at least a few months, but once Fantasy Life i comes out, I don’t know that I’ll want to play any other game.

more custom laptop shenanigans

With my sexy Atreus keyboard and various old parts, I kind of want to put together another DIY laptop. I did this six or seven years ago with a cheap SBC. I have a raspberry pi zero w and a few other random SBCs, battery banks, and LCDs. I’ve played with connecting them together in various configurations and if I can come up with a good way to house all the pieces I might just build a new custom laptop again.


I think that geminispace.org is awesome. I feel like I’m not fairly giving station a chance though. Station is already established, and as far as I’m concerned Bubble just popped up, but for some reason I’m more attracted to Bubble. I wish they would forego the like button feature, but regardless, I’m going to have to stop lurking in both places and start engaging.








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updated: 2023-05-22 10:06:07

generated: 2024-02-03