Quote from BMJ OpenHeart Study on Omega-6 vegetable oils source:
The amount of linoleic acid in adipose tissue, but also in platelets, is additionally positively associated with coronary artery disease (CAD), whereas long-chain omega-3 (eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)) levels in platelets are inversely related to CAD. This provides rather compelling evidence that omega-3s protect whereas omega-6 linoleic acid promotes heart disease.
In summary, it says: Omega-3’s are protective and linoleic acid omega-6s are hurtful in terms of heart/artery health.
This comes across as begging the question. It asserts that linoleic acid in fat and platelets is directly related with heart disease and states that omega-3 levels are inversely related to heart disease and therefore omega-3s are helpful and omega-6 are hurtful. But what it’s actually conveying is that linoleic acid in platelets and fat in humans is bad for humans and therefore linoleic acid is bad for humans. Not a huge leap, but I find it confusingly worded.
BMJ: OpenHeart Study on Omega-6 vegetable oils
Carved from raw notes on the study.
updated: 2024-01-13 05:22:14
generated: 2024-02-03