Daryl Sun's Journal

This week — I Welcome My New Pixel Overlords

TL;DR: I jumped down the rabbit hole of click-based pixel art virtual pets. I also grinded hard in GBF's Exo Cocytus Crucible event, answered some surveys, and discovered some interesting websites.

This is a late, brief update because I had to do some heavy chores last weekend.

(For anyone curious on what I've done at work this week: I've made several preparations for my upcoming training program, while finishing other tasks here and there. Nothing exciting, really.)

Hahaha, nope.

I severely underestimated how seriously I'll be mothering these lovingly-rendered pixel art image files. The MelonLand forum thread on click lists of virtual pets and Lost Letter's guide to virtual pet sites enticed me to join Flowergame, then Dragon Cave, then The Final Outpost, and then Magistream.

My newfound... obsession? addiction? even led me to try and join Pixel Cat's End and Forest of Mirrors as well, though I missed the registration window for the former, and for the latter I haven't received a confirmation email and their support email address keeps rejecting my messages.

Pixelated adoptable digital creatures who grow on clicks have taken over my life: please send help.

Virtual Pet Clicklist

A Guide to Virtual Pixel Art Pet Sites

My greenhouse in Flowergame

My scroll in Dragon Cave

My lab in The Final Outpost

My keep in Magistream

Pixel Cat's End

Forest of Mirrors

Exo Cocytus Crucible

Exo Antaeus

Eternity Sand


Celebrating the OTW’s 16th Anniversary

Beehaw survey on its policies and the site's vibes

Tales from the Small Web — Kagi

Kagi Small Web

The Hidden Source Community

That's all. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to check which of my pixel creatures have grown up by now, and get more eggs to hatch and raise. See y'all next week!


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