
ROOPHLOCH --- connection test

tags: roophloch

I'm sitting in the garden right now. My trusty Acer is connected via a Telekom "Speedstick LTE". I can roam the internet some --- needless to say, LTE is not available or the signal to weak. But I have established a G2 connection, it seems.

WLAN? You might ask. Well, I could switch the router on. Sure, but its off unless explicitly needed. Just curiously asking "iwlist scan" spits out a dozen WLAN access points in the neighborhood. The days of quiet, that I have experienced when we moved here, seem to be gone.

I can hear a robin (Rotschwanz) and sheep a bit down the valley. And of course the traffic on the not so far away highway (maybe 2 km). The sky is overcast, air temperature around 24°C if the electronic gadget is to be trusted.

So, before this piece of magic ceases to work, I rather try to commit and publish.

