The gembox mail storage format is a single text file containing all the mail received by a specific address which is available to be fetched by a client.
The gembox file should be served over gemini at an address which stays constant.
The first message at the top of the file should be the oldest message, and the message at the bottom of the file should be the newest. Each message should begin with three lines of metadata formatted as described in the Misfin(C) spec, and the fourth line of the message should begin the message body in gemtext. The first top-level heading in Gemtext serves as the message subject.
At the end of the gemtext message body should be a single line which begins with a less-than symbol (<) followed by five equals symbols, as below:
Any text in that divider line folloing the fifth equals symbol should be ignored. If a misfin message contains a line beginning with the divider symbol, it should be rejected or modified so that it can be handled safely using the gembox format.
The first line after the dividing line should be the senders line of the subsequent message.