Skylab Setup

Here's how I set up my Skylab instance for the first time:

Get GmCapsule ready with a new cert:

$ openssl req -x509 -new -sha256 -days 9999 -nodes -key key.pem     -out host.cert -subj "/" -addext     ",,,,DNS:$(printf '%s' '' | openssl enc -base64),,"

$ mv host.cert cert.pem

Then I restarted GmCapsule and checked to make sure that everything was working. I went to gemini:// and got "50 Permanent failure" but a valid certificate, so that's great.

Clone git repository and run setup scripts

$ git clone

That was 3.04 MiB in total.

$ cd skylab
$ chmod +x
$ ./
Usage: ./ [--init]
  --init    Perform initialization setup (create directories, etc.)
  --adduser Add a new user
$ ./ --init
Enter directory path for Skylab. (default: current directory): ~/gmcapsule/skylab

Here I break and go make that directory before continuing:

cd ~/gmcapsule/ && mkdir skylab

Back to the script:

$ ./ --init
Enter directory path for Skylab. (default: current directory): ~/gmcapsule/skylab
Enter hostname:
Initialization complete.

I can now check that everything worked:

$ ls ~/gmcapsule/skylab/  users  users.yaml

Great. I will now build the executable files using the script.

$ ./ --build
What directory should the CGI executables be built to? Enter path:~/gmcapsule/skylab/
go: downloading v2.4.0
go: downloading v0.0.0-20240111212826-2812aea0d21e

$ ls ~/gmcapsule/skylab/
archive  compose  delete  drafts  home  inbox  mail  reply  send  sent  tag  tags  trash  unread

Next, I will create a user (myself):

$ ./ --adduser
Enter username: satya
Enter directory path for Skylab. This directory should already exist and should contain 'users' and 'users.yaml': ~/gmcapsule/skylab
Enter path to misfin keypair PEM file (this script will copy it): ^C

I've forgotten where my keypair is kept, so I stop the script and go check. I'm putting it in my home directory for now to make this easy.

$ ./ --adduser
Enter username: satya
Enter directory path for Skylab. This directory should already exist and should contain 'users' and 'users.yaml': ~/gmcapsule/skylab
Enter path to misfin keypair PEM file (this script will copy it): ~/cert.pem
Enter GeminiFetchAddress: gemini://
Enter AutoFetch (true/false): false
Enter Timezone: America/New_York
User satya setup complete.

AutoFetch to false just means I don't download and parse my gembox file every time I reload the page while using Skylab.

GmCapsule Configuration

Now everything is ready except my gemini server, GmCapsule. I start by dumping the whole example file into the .gmcapsulerc which I already have.

cat gmcapsulerc.example.ini >> ~/.gmcapsulerc

Then I go in there and edit out the redudant bits like [server], [static], [cgi], [titan] and things like that. Basically I have my old configuration and then the [DEFAULT] block onwards from the example file. I'm making sure to add "" to my hosts list. I change the default values to the appropriate ones, and I can leave everything else:

skylab_host =
skylab_cwd = ./gmcapsule/skylab/

Now I restart GmCapsule!

gemini@satch:~$ gmcapsuled
GmCapsule v0.6.1
Configuration: /home/gemini/.gmcapsulerc
Init: Rewriter
Init: Git Repository Viewer
Init: CGI programs
  gemini:// -> ['./home']
  gemini:// -> ['./home']
  gemini://* -> ['./tag']
  gemini://* -> ['./reply']
  gemini://* -> ['./compose']
  gemini:// -> ['./archive']
  gemini:// -> ['./delete']
  gemini:// -> ['./drafts']
  gemini:// -> ['./inbox']
  gemini:// -> ['./mail']
  gemini:// -> ['./send']
  gemini:// -> ['./sent']
  gemini:// -> ['./tags']
  gemini:// -> ['./trash']
  gemini:// -> ['./unread']
Init: Static files
  Content directory: /home/gemini/gmcapsule/static/{hostname}
Opening port 1965...
Server started on port 1965
5 parser(s) and 2 handler(s) started

It's working!

I go to gemini:// and I see a login link, which I click. It prompts me to activate a client certificate, and so I do (the same PEM file which I provided during the setup, signed by my server admin cert). My inbox loads but it's empty since I have AutoFetch set to `false`, so I click on 🔃 Check for New Mail and my mail is there at the top of the screen!