Gritty's Comitium Feed

Currently aggregating 30 capsules, gopherholes, and websites.

Generated on 2024-02-05 at 12:00 UTC


Discogem - Daily capsules — Capsule of the day - 2024-02-05


Idiomdrottning — Re: Returning to Rappan Athuk

bacardi55's gemlog — January 2024

Gemfeed of — From `` to `*`

kelbot's gemlog — The Beepy PDA Experiment

Discogem - Daily capsules — Capsule of the day - 2024-02-04


That It Be! — foods that are safe for me to eat

Discogem - Daily capsules — Capsule of the day - 2024-02-03


moddedBear's log — Valuing System Simplicity

Discogem - Daily capsules — Capsule of the day - 2024-02-02

The Boston Diaries — It should be obvious by now what day it is, but just in case

The Boston Diaries — Making it to the Orange Site

The Boston Diaries — Making it to the Orange Site

The Boston Diaries — Making it to the Orange Site


Discogem - Daily capsules — Capsule of the day - 2024-02-01

JBanana's gemlog — Thumby release 🏃


Discogem - Daily capsules — Capsule of the day - 2024-01-31

The Boston Diaries — Dear LinkedIn, I don't think I'm the expert you want answering these questions

The Boston Diaries — The Repair Culture, Part II—Electric DeoxIToo

The Boston Diaries — How much for the book? I don't think I paid that much for the computer

The Boston Diaries — I know languages that have support for “read-only memory,” but what about “write-only memory?”


Discogem - Daily capsules — Capsule of the day - 2024-01-30


Discogem - Daily capsules — Capsule of the day - 2024-01-29


Discogem - Daily capsules — Capsule of the day - 2024-01-28


Idiomdrottning — Recycling of TetraPaks in Sweden

Idiomdrottning — Fixing mistyped spaces

Discogem - Daily capsules — Capsule of the day - 2024-01-27


Idiomdrottning — One among primes

The Boston Diaries — “It is just a barebones framework written as a love letter to the language of C.”

Discogem - Daily capsules — Capsule of the day - 2024-01-26


Idiomdrottning — Control Table board for Car Wars Classic

Idiomdrottning — Political tipping points

ew0k is a Teddybear — Not Yet, Apparently. (Also: Outage)

kelbot's gemlog — Crokinole and Ready Five Dexterity Game Review

Discogem - Daily capsules — Capsule of the day - 2024-01-25


Discogem - Daily capsules — Capsule of the day - 2024-01-24

The Boston Diaries — Well, that was weird

The Boston Diaries — Adventures in high dining


That It Be! — tmux sessions

Discogem - Daily capsules — Capsule of the day - 2024-01-23


Idiomdrottning — E-Prime

Discogem - Daily capsules — Capsule of the day - 2024-01-22


Discogem - Daily capsules — Capsule of the day - 2024-01-21


Idiomdrottning — My dream map projection

Idiomdrottning — Puzzling Multiplayer Epics

Idiomdrottning — “My Precious Encounter” — Boss Fights vs Trash Mobs

Discogem - Daily capsules — Capsule of the day - 2024-01-20


The Boston Diaries — Complicating code

Discogem - Daily capsules — Capsule of the day - 2024-01-19


Discogem - Daily capsules — Capsule of the day - 2024-01-18

The Boston Diaries — “… and water is wet! Film at 11!”

The Boston Diaries — “Now, here, you see, it takes all the running you can do, to keep in the same place.”


Senders' Gemlog — Music Spotlight: My Top Album 2023

ew0k is a Teddybear — I Talked About Gemini in (Swedish) Podcast

Discogem - Daily capsules — Capsule of the day - 2024-01-17


JBanana's gemlog — Objectives 🎯

Discogem - Daily capsules — Capsule of the day - 2024-01-16


Discogem - Daily capsules — Capsule of the day - 2024-01-15


Discogem - Daily capsules — Capsule of the day - 2024-01-14


Gemfeed of — One reason why I love OpenBSD

Discogem - Daily capsules — Capsule of the day - 2024-01-13


Discogem - Daily capsules — Capsule of the day - 2024-01-12


Discogem - Daily capsules — Capsule of the day - 2024-01-11


Discogem - Daily capsules — Capsule of the day - 2024-01-10


moddedBear's log — My "Better Together" Games of 2023

Discogem - Daily capsules — Capsule of the day - 2024-01-09

🤨 Curiouser and Curiouser — I'm not a server guy: Ubuntu and Python

Gemfeed of — Site Reliability Engineering - Part 3: On-Call Culture and the Human Aspect


The Boston Diaries — I wonder why today, of all days, I'm feeling this level of melancholy?

Discogem - Daily capsules — Capsule of the day - 2024-01-08

skyjake — Holiday Nostalgia


That It Be! — Where did December go?

That It Be! — the state of the (mud) world

That It Be! — I'm the weird neighbor

Discogem - Daily capsules — Capsule of the day - 2024-01-07


Blog — Re: Unsolicited opinions about CLI design

Discogem - Daily capsules — Capsule of the day - 2024-01-06


aggregated using comitium v1.8.0-be431586494c838d77082e919530dc33202dee34