< willowashmaple.xyz


2024-01-11 What am I anyway?

2024-01-01 Calendar

2024-01-01 New year reflections

2023-10-22 Random thoughts on the next generations

2023-10-16 Some quandaries

2023-09-30 How the Millennials of both sides are fueling violence and division online

2023-09-08 How to increase Bible engagement

2023-08-26 Summer recap

2023-05-17 One year!

2023-04-29 On finding my equilibrium

2023-04-20 What's up Willow?!

2023-04-19 A nonbinary option: Some thoughts from ChatGPT

2023-04-08 Holy Week reflections

2023-03-28 Fun with Artificial Intelligence: AI-generated art 1

2023-03-24 Love the sinners, hate the sin?

2023-03-22 A brief statement regarding my past involvement in a cult

2023-03-21 Taking visions with ChatGPT

2023-03-17 How artificial intelligence builds ultimate police state

2023-03-16 Right think, different think?

2023-03-11 What is privilege?

2023-03-09 Not feeling feelings for a long time

2023-03-07 For such a time as this

2022-11-08 The state of American politics on this election day

2022-11-08 On Christian Nationalism

2022-11-08 Quick updates (Nov. 8, 2022)

2022-05-20 Gemini: bringing the sense of wonder to the Internet again

2022-05-19 Toxic partisanship and failure of democracy: How political parties became threats to the United States, and why democracy's days are counted

2022-05-19 older blog posts

2022-05-18 At the end of the road

2022-05-17 White Cat Black Spot

2022-05-17 cat of love


Copyright 2022-2024. Articles on this site may be used freely under the terms of the Cooperative Nonviolent Public License version 7 or the latest, whichever the newer (CNPL v7+). All other uses require the express permission of the author. See the contact page (on Gemini or WWW: willowashmaple.xyz/contact; on Gopher: gopher://smol.pub:70/0/willowashmaple/contact) for email and other ways to get in touch.



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