The number of pages and domains known to TLGS at 2024-02-05 14:12:48. These figures are updated every 6Hrs or so.
301755 : pages 2289 : domains
The distribution of file types withing TLGS's index at 2024-02-05 14:12:48. These figures are updated every 6Hrs or so.
244477 : text/gemini 19650 : text/plain 18402 : image/jpeg 8657 : image/png 2332 : application/octet-stream 1028 : application/pdf 826 : application/zip 789 : image/gif 637 : application/atom+xml 594 : audio/mpeg 559 : application/json 529 : <gemini-request-info> 524 : text/xml 416 : text/html 310 : text/markdown 224 : image/webp 224 : audio/ogg 210 : application/xml 200 : application/lagrange-fontpack+zip 119 : video/mp4 117 : image/svg+xml 84 : application/epub+zip 61 : application/gzip 58 : application/pgp-signature 55 : text/x-lilypond 54 : text/x-python 41 : audio/flac 31 : audio/midi 25 : text/x-rust 22 : text/vtt 21 : application/postscript 21 : application/x-tar 21 : application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation 17 : video/webm 16 : application/x-sh 15 : text/csv 15 : text/css 14 : application/rss+xml 13 : application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text 13 : application/pgp-keys 13 : text/x-php 13 : text/x-csrc 13 : <empty string> 12 : text/x-sh 11 : application/x-compressed-tar 9 : image/vnd.djvu 9 : application/vnd.lotus-organizer 8 : text/x-diff 8 : application/gpub+zip 7 : application/ 7 : image/avif 7 : video/ogg 7 : audio/mid 7 : text/x-c 7 : application/x-bzip2 7 : video/quicktime 6 : application/x-xcf 6 : application/x-lzh-compressed 6 : application/vnd.exstream-package 6 : image/jpg 5 : application/javascript 5 : text/x-shellscript 5 : application/x-shellscript 5 : image/x-photoshop 5 : application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet 5 : font/ttf 5 : application/x-mspublisher 4 : image/x-ms-bmp 4 : application/font-sfnt 4 : application/pgp-encrypted 4 : application/tar 4 : audio/wav 4 : audio/wave 4 : text/x-go 4 : text/x-tex 3 : message/rfc822 3 : image/jxl 3 : text/x-tcl 3 : audio/x-wav 3 : text/org-mode 3 : application/x-gameboy-rom 3 : application/font-woff 3 : text/rss+xml 3 : application/x-gzip 3 : text/tab-separated-values 3 : text/atom+xml 2 : application/x-xz 2 : text/gembox 2 : application/x-latex 2 : application/vnd.lotus-screencam 2 : text/x-lisp 2 : image/ 2 : application/x-tcl 2 : application/vnd.sun.xml.impress 2 : application/gpg-keys 2 : application 2 : application/vnd.rar 2 : application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet 1 : text/x-gemroff 1 : video/x-msvideo 1 : text/x-hare 1 : text/x-haskell 1 : application/ 1 : text/x-pascal 1 : text/x-patch 1 : text/x-perl 1 : application/vnd.ecowin.chart 1 : application/ 1 : application/ 1 : application/pkix-cert 1 : application/java-archive 1 : text/x-toml 1 : 23-12-03T10:39:25.585810 INFO: fetched feed from 'gemini://', removing from DB 2023-12-03T10:39:25.617502 INFO: attempting to parse feed 'gemini://' as gemlog feed 2023-12-03T10:46:45.001045 INFO: fetched feed from 'gemini://', removing from DB 2023-12-03T10:46:45.007618 INFO: attempting to parse feed 'gemini://' as gemlog feed 2023-12-03T10:47:41.457827 INFO: fetched feed from 'gemini://', removing from DB 2023-12-03T10:47:41.464003 INFO: attempting to parse feed 'gemini://' as gemlog feed 2023-12-03T10:57:27.079561 INFO: fetched feed from 'gemini://', removing from DB 2023-12-03T10:57:27.085253 INFO: attempting to parse feed 'gemini://' as gemlog feed 2023-12-03T11:41:47.451110 INFO: fetched feed from 'gemini://', removing from DB 2023-12-03T11:41:47.457504 INFO: attempting to parse feed 'gemini://' as gemlog feed 2023-12-03T12:49:54.986279 INFO: fetched feed from 'gemini://', removing from DB 2023-12-03T12:49:54.992245 INFO: attempting to parse feed 'gemini://' as gemlog feed 2023-12-05T09:49:07.262879 INFO: fetched feed from 'gemini://', removing from DB 2023-12-05T09:49:07.276853 INFO: attempting to parse feed 'gemini://' as gemlog feed 2023-12-05T17:09:49.684798 INFO: fetched feed from 'gemini://', removing from DB 2023-12-05T17:09:49.689645 INFO: attempting to parse feed 'gemini://' as gemlog feed 2023-12-05T21:01:25.479074 INFO: fetched feed from 'gemini://', removing from DB 2023-12-05T21:01:25.485569 INFO: attempting to parse feed 'gemini://' as gemlog feed 2023-12-06T07:45:14.303391 INFO: fetched feed from 'gemini://', removing from DB 2023-12-06T07:45:14.309383 INFO: attempting to parse feed 'gemini://' as gemlog feed 2023-12-06T08:02:37.807004 INFO: fetched feed from 'gemini://', removing from DB 2023-12-06T08:02:37.811450 INFO: attempting to parse feed 'gemini://' as gemlog feed 2023-12-06T09:07:01.541358 INFO: fetched feed from 'gemini://', removing from DB 2023-12-06T09:07:01.548138 INFO: attempting to parse feed 'gemini://' as gemlog feed 2023-12-06T14:05:01.448082 INFO: fetched feed from 'gemini://', removing from DB 2023-12-06T14:05:01.456299 INFO: attempting to parse feed 'gemini://' as gemlog feed 2023-12-07T00:49:45.251657 INFO: fetched feed from 'gemini://', removing from DB 2023-12-07T00:49:45.253291 INFO: attempting to parse feed 'gemini://' as gemlog feed 2023-12-07T08:20:18.450815 INFO: fetched feed from 'gemini://', removing from DB 2023-12-07T08:20:18.465305 INFO: attempting to parse feed 'gemini://' as gemlog feed 2023-12-07T09:44:33.126639 INFO: fetched feed from 'gemini://', removing from DB 2023-12-07T09:44:33.138941 INFO: attempting to parse feed 'gemini://' as gemlog feed 2023-12-09T09:51:42.884989 INFO: fetched feed from 'gemini://', removing from DB 2023-12-09T09:51:42.895941 INFO: attempting to parse feed 'gemini://' as gemlog feed 2023-12-09T11:33:31.461629 INFO: fetched feed from 'gemini://', removing from DB 2023-12-09T11:33:31.468447 INFO: attempting to parse feed 'gemini://' as gemlog feed 2023-12-09T21:04:21.195346 INFO: fetched feed from 'gemini://', removing from DB 2023-12-09T21:04:21.202531 INFO: attempting to parse feed 'gemini://' as gemlog feed 2023-12-11T09:53:57.684922 INFO: fetched feed from 'gemini://', removing from DB 2023-12-11T09:53:57.691813 INFO: attempting to parse feed 'gemini://' as gemlog feed 2023-12-11T10:27:15.476540 INFO: fetched feed from 'gemini://', removing from DB 2023-12-11T10:27:15.481132 INFO: attempting to parse feed 'gemini://' as gemlog feed 2023-12-11T11:13:20.878051 INFO: fetched feed from 'gemini://', removing from DB 2023-12-11T11:13:20.884546 INFO: attempting to parse feed 'gemini://' as gemlog feed 2023-12-11T12:01:55.594169 INFO: fetched feed from 'gemini://', removing from DB 2023-12-11T12:01:55.599528 INFO: attempting to parse feed 'gemini://' as gemlog feed 2023-12-11T14:08:13.434046 INFO: fetched feed from 'gemini://', removing from DB 2023-12-11T14:08:13.442155 INFO: attempting to parse feed 'gemini://' as gemlog feed 2023-12-12T11:09:29.753561 INFO: fetched feed from 'gemini://', removing from DB 2023-12-12T11:09:29.761616 INFO: attempting to parse feed 'gemini://' as gemlog feed 1 : video/x-matroska 1 : video/x-mng 1 : audio/x-pn-realaudio 1 : audio/sp-midi 1 : audio/mpegurl 1 : application/zstd 1 : application/x-xpinstall 1 : application/x-x509-ca-cert 1 : application/x-tex 1 : image/x-3ds 1 : application/x-sqlite3 1 : application/x-rar-compressed 1 : image/x-xcf 1 : MIME 1 : model/prc 1 : multipart/related 1 : text 1 : application/x-python-code 1 : application/x-perl 1 : application/x-lha 1 : text/org 1 : text/rtf 1 : application/x-compressed 1 : text/x-awk 1 : text/x-bibtex 1 : audio/unknown\011e