Official Project Gemini news feed

Atom feed

2023 News

2024-01-27 - Updates to in-progress separated specifications

2023-12-30 - The year behind and the year ahead

2023-10-03 - Separated specifications and copyright updates

2023-09-21 - World Gratitude Day

2023-09-09 - Project Gemini has officially moved to

2023-09-03 - Domain name switch next weekend

2023-08-27 - Project Gemini history section added

2023-08-14 - Changing domain names

2023-07-30 - Second round of FAQ updates

2023-07-22 - Some plans

2023-07-15 - Extensive FAQ updates, more to come!

2023-06-28 - CAPCOM updates

2023-06-20 - Four years of Gemini!

2023-04-16 - CAPCOM changes

2023-03-01 - Molly Brown upgrade

2023-02-14 - Empty user capsules removed

2023-01-14 - Tidying up user capsules

2023-01-08 - Changing DNS server

2022 News

2022-06-20 - Three years of Gemini!

2022-01-30 - Minor specification update (0.16.1)

2022-01-22 - Mailing list archives, Atom feed for official news

2022-01-16 - Mailing list downtime, official news feed