Greetings, my name is Dennis.
At this moment I am employed by An de Stekke, which is an Autism coaching business that has recently begun creating websites, web applications and other software systems.
Below is a link to the An de Stekke website. You can find me listed on the "Ons Team" page under the "Office & IT" accordion.
Since I was about 12 years old, I was already interested in software development.
I initially learnt how to use Lua, and from there learnt about JavaScript, PHP, C#, etc.
Now I am at least familiar with many programming languages, using various paradigms.
I started development on this Gemini capsule out of curiosity about the Gemini protocol, and because of Google's continued attempts at controlling the internet.
For now I'm still trying to find a purpose for this capsule other than just testing and using it as a sort of personal website.
If you want to, you can contact me using email, Discord or Matrix.
Feel free to send encrypted messages using PGP, my key is publicly available.
Use Discord or Matrix, snootiful and respectively.
Or check out this capsule's "Gembook":
I wrote this page but I don't know if it's really that necessary.