Like the guy who says "it's easy to quit smoking, I've done it dozens of times", I've made a few attempts at blogging regularly. This site is really not a blog, it is a collection of pages about the various things that have interested me from time to time. Some of the content is fresh and a fair portion of it dates back to the 1990s.
Here are the newest pages on this site.
A successful experiment led to more fun in the kitchen.
Did I take the long way around to solve a simple problem?
While I've long had a couple of recipes for oatcakes available here, I've now added a page that includes those plus several others that we like. (The original links still work.)
These are the pages I consider to be most important. (How come this list doesn't intersect with the "popular" list below?)
Ten years ago I thought I had become an old man. This is a small preview of the next item - Stuff Ya Gotta Know.
This was written primarily with my descendants in mind. It covers some of the things I think should be important for them -- and all the rest of us -- to understand, or at least to think about.
It took me a few decades to figure out what love is all about. It's a pity that we get old so much faster than we grow up.
An exploration of what is required to life a life of dignity.
Here are links to my most popular content, judging by the number of times these pages are requested.
Descartes' View of Sense Perception
A brief paper written for a class in Modern Philosophy. It amazes me that this page is requested more often than any of the others on my site. Perhaps philosophy students are still struggling to understand this stuff.
How To Make A Mug Of Hot Cocoa
It's a simple process, why does it require two pages of instructions? Have fun!
The class was "Business and Technical Writing" and the assignment was to provide instructions on how to complete a task, with the choices given as "tying shoelaces" or "make a paper airplane". The airplane seemed like a much simpler task. For ten years or so this was near the top of search results for paper airplanes on the web, and the most popular page on my site.
A good place to start if you're trying to figure out what The Salvation Army is all about, this is the document signed by persons who wish to enroll as soldiers of The Salvation Army.
I try to keep the [What's Here] page updated with links to everything available on this site. It is where I look first when I need to find a particular page.
An index of sorts, perhaps a guide, to the pages available here.
After some tinkering I've got a working blog. Consistent with the simplicity of Spartan it allows me to make a quick post which is then displayed at the top of the blog page followed by links to all my blog posts. It does not allow you to post publicly visible comments; if you'd like to comment on a post you may send me [e-mail].
This site is primarily based on the Spartan protocol; it is also available via the Gemini and HTTP protocols. If you need client software for the Spartan and Gemini protocols here are my recommendations:
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