Mostly a collection of notes. At kung ano man ang nasa isip ko.
A picture of me on the ground with my dog Finn
Hi, I'm Jag! I'm involved in mutual aid, abolitionist, and environmental movements. I'm also currently working as a product designer for the Tor Project. I was previously a frontend engineer and product designer at DuckDuckGo (2013 to 2023).
Overview of the design work that I'm doing for the Tor Project
I also run some online services for mutual aid on Aangat Lahat. I grew up in the Philippines, and I'm now living in occupied Lenapehoking territory.
This website was designed to be as lightweight and as simple as possible. (I mean, it's on Gemini after all!) It actually originally ran on an iMac G3 from 2000! But right now it's running on a much more recent computer to give the iMac a break. (It gets pretty hot! I kinda don't want to leave it on overnight.) I have an older WordPress website that has been archived that can be found here:
Archived version of
Setting up a dogcam with old hardware
Using BASIC for personal tools
🆕 Configuration files for this server
Why did I move my website to an onion service?
Getting a better handle on IRC
🆕 Running OpenBSD on an iMac G3
Baby's first Tor Relay on OpenBSD
Solidarity with Palestine: 2023-11
Shakespeare in the Park: 2023-07
Southeast Asian Market: 2023-07
Eclectic fridge clean out curry recipe
Kombucha recipe that I've been using
No copyright. Everything is in the public domain.