Jorge Sanz

Hi! πŸ‘‹

Welcome to my small site. My name is Jorge and I'm living with my partner and our kid in Valencia, Spain. My background is in Cartography and Geodesy Engineering, and I develop my professional career around Geospatial Information Systems and Open Source Software and Data. I'm currently working at Elastic[1] at the Kibana[2] Presentation and Maps team as a geospatial engineer.



This site is focused on **simplicity** and **readability** and published both as a *Small Web*[3] (that is: no JavaScript, no cookies, no bloated styles and layouts) and as a *Gemini Capsule*[4]. If you don't know about Gemini take a look this quick start[5].


4: gemini://


Please let me know[6] if you have any thoughts about anything shared here, I'll be delighted to get your feedback.

6: /contact


πŸ“” A very regular gemlog

πŸ—“ Most recent update of what's going on

😴 Bedtime tales in Spanish for kids

🌐 Pointers to my Internet presence

πŸ—£ Materials and slides from talks and workshops

πŸŽ“ A brief description of my professional career

πŸ“¬ Contact details

Latest posts

2024-01-31 | 3m | Gener 2024 [update]

2024-01-04 | 3m | December 2023 [update]

2023-12-11 | 1m | Una Buena AcciΓ³n en Navidad [techie]

2023-12-11 | 2m | Re: A Simple Docker Shortcut [techie]

2023-12-07 | 4m | Noviembre 2023 [update]

2023-12-04 | 3m | MSF Mapathon at Universitat de València [geo]

2023-11-30 | 3m | Opening desktop links on Linux with different browsers and profiles [techie]

2023-11-20 | 3m | Getting feedback with webmentions [techie, meta]

2023-11-16 | 1m | Defaults [techie]

2023-11-04 | 3m | Impressions about e-ink reader Note Air2 Plus [techie]


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