Tyres on over 1000 SUVs deflated in Sweden

2007-10-08 15:15:14

October 08th, 2007 |

Posted in Responsible Transport, Climate Change, Activism by Tracy Stokes

You may recall a post here a while ago about a group in Sweden who call

themselves The Indians of the Concrete Jungle. Their campaign involves

deflating tyres on 4-wheel drive vehicles and is spreading across Sweden like

wildfire, stirring up a national debate and bringing out the worst in 4 4


Here is a message from The Indians of the Concrete Jungle to the rest of the


Everyone knows it: action on climate change is a matter of utter urgency.

Nonetheless, carbon emissions continue to accelerate, powered by the

uncontrollable machines of the world economy. One eminent sign of this rush to

disaster is the trend of SUVs, clogging the streets in our Western cities,

emitting up to three times more carbon than cars of average size on the market.

SUVs have become a symbol of the irrational destruction of the most basic

conditions of life. Attached to no human need whatsoever - only to the

conspicuous consumption of an affluent class, feeling the need to flaunt

monster vehicles - they constitute perhaps the most insane source of

unnecessary carbon emissions. Everyone should know it: if we can t deal with

SUVs swiftly, we can t deal with any other emissions either. And nothing less

than our survival is at stake.

Armed with this analysis, and with mung beans or grains of gravel, a group

called The Indians of the Concrete Jungle has struck against hundreds of SUVs

in Sweden in recent months. The first action occured in the poshest part of

innercity Stockholm in June. Tyres on 60 SUVs in stermalm were deflated. A

weblog was posted on the internet, and since then, the campaign for disarmament

of SUVs in Sweden has spread like wildfire. To this date, approximately 1000

SUVs have been temporarily disarmed in at least nine Swedish cities, including

the three largest (Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malm ) as well as several smaller

cities; new tribes are popping up by the week. The Indians of the Concrete

Jungle have appeared in virtually every major media outlet in the country -

from a prime time debate on national television, to a very sympathetic report

in the company of Indians in action published in the biggest morning newspaper,

to an op-ed piece in the biggest evening paper and countless news reports in

local media. Thus, in a matter of months, the issue of unnecessary carbon

emissions in general and SUVs in particular have risen to the top of the agenda

in Sweden something that never happened before and ownership of the vehicle

has become all the less convenient.

Sweden is unique in Europe in its addiction to SUVs. Carbon emissions from new

cars on Swedish roads are some 20 percent above the European average; no males

in the EU emit as much by driving cars as Swedish males do. This is largely due

to the success of Volvo s SUV model XC90, as well as other cars from the

consistently climate destructive company. The Indians of the Concrete Jungle

have decided to change this situation.

The action performed by the Indians is simple. The cap of the tyre s valve is

unscrewed, a bean or a grain of gravel is inserted, and the valve is screwed

back on the tyre. The little thing will push down the peg in the middle of the

valve, making sure the air is gently released. The whole manoeuvre takes about

10 seconds, after which follows the long sound of the air petering out. A

letter to the owner is left on the widescreen, wherein the action is explained.

Instructions and the letter are available on the weblog, for all like-minded

activists to use and spread lavishly. The Indians refrain from targeting SUVs

used by handicapped drivers, health care institutions and company workers.

Though the response has, in general, been positive among the public,

considerable fury and aggression have arisen among SUV-owners. A counterforce

calling itself The Cowboys of the Concrete Jungle has appeared, threatening

to deflate the lungs of the Indians, presumably with knifes. On various

internet communities run by motorists and soldiers, plans are made to guard

SUVs and beat or even kill Indians; public supporters of the cause have been

subject to threats of attacks on their homes. Undaunted, the Indians of the

Concrete Jungle have continued and escalated the campaign, and so far, no one

has been hurt. Only one Indian has been nabbed by Swedish police, though it has

not even decided what kind of criminal offense deflating tyres actually

constitutes if indeed it is a crime at all.

The conflict surrounding the actions is considered a success in itself. There

are real, social contradictions in the field of climate change between those

who emit carbon relentlessly and those who suffer the heaviest losses, and

bringing these to light is crucial for any progress. Not everyone will fight

climate change. Not everyone will give up their lethal privileges voluntarily.

The Indians of the Concrete Jungle are determined to continue their campaign of

disarmament. If it is done repeatedly and on a massive scale, deflating tyres

will develop from a slight annoyance in the eyes of the owners into a real

obstacle for driving SUVs. Imagine waking up to a car without air in the tyres

every morning, or even once a week! The campaign is poised to spread further in

Sweden, and now the Indians are looking forward to tribes taking up the cause

in other countries as well. In the pursuit of spreading the word, all

declarations of recent actions will hereafter be posted in English as well as


If you d like to read more, or are considering starting your own tribe, visit

the official website of The Indians of the Concrete Jungle.

Posted: 2007767@754.17



1000 SUVs? Bullcrap!

If that number was anywhere near the truth then it would have been headline

news here in Sthlm. There have been some SUVs vandalised but nowhere near that



uriel 3 points 1 hour ago

You see, this is not real information, it is called propaganda it is not

supposed to match reality.

(And yes, I also live in Stockholm, and I had not heard of it until now)

permalink parent

racist 2 points 31 minutes ago*

(And yes, I also live in Stockholm, and I had not heard of it until now)

You just heard of it. There's a first time for everything.

The article says:

To this date, approximately 1000 SUVs have been temporarily disarmed in at

least nine Swedish cities, including the three largest (Stockholm, Gothenburg

and Malm ) as well as several smaller cities;

Nine cities. That's an average of 111 per city, or 111 in Stockholm. Let's be

generous and say there were 200 there, since it's a major city. The population

of Stockholm is 1.6 million, so 200 into 1.6 million is .000125 per capita.

Put into national perspective, with a population of 9.1 million, 1000 SUVs

attacked corresponds to .00011 per capita.

Which sounds like a completely reasonable number to me.