Lorry drivers who drink coffee 'cut their crash risk'

2013-03-20 11:24:05

By Michelle Roberts Health editor, BBC News online

Long-distance lorry drivers who drink coffee have fewer road traffic accidents,

research suggests.

Australian investigators say they found the link while comparing 530 heavy

goods vehicle drivers who had recently been in a crash with 517 who had not.

Coffee and other beverages containing the stimulant caffeine cut crash risk,

probably because they boost alertness, the British Medical Journal reported.

Road safety experts stressed caffeine was no substitute for sleep.

In the study, more than a third said they drank caffeinated beverages and half

of these said they did so in order to stay awake.

The drivers who consumed caffeine to keep them from nodding off behind the

wheel were 63% less likely to crash than drivers who had no caffeine.

This was after adjusting for factors such as age, sleep patterns, kilometres

driven, breaks taken and night-driving schedules.

Nap advice

If the driver had a poor track record of crashes in the past five years this

had an impact on their likelihood of having another crash, raising their risk

by 81%.

About 70% of the drivers in the study said they stopped for a nap when they

were tired - something that road safety experts strongly recommend.

Don't drive tired

Plan your journey to include a 15-minute break every two hours

Don't start a long trip if you're already tired

Remember the risks if you have to get up unusually early to start a long drive

Try to avoid long trips between midnight and 06:00 when you're likely to feel

sleepy anyway

If you start to feel sleepy, find a safe place to stop - not the hard shoulder

of a motorway. Drink two cups of coffee or a high-caffeine drink and have a

rest for 10 to 15 minutes to allow time for the caffeine to kick in

Remember, the only real cure for sleepiness is proper sleep. A caffeine drink

or a nap is a short-term solution that will only allow you to keep driving for

a short time

THINK! Road Safety advice

Lead researcher Lisa Sharwood and colleagues from the University of Sydney say

while it is clear that tired drivers should be taking breaks, it still not

clear what activities benefit them most during these breaks - napping or

drinking coffee.

"The varying extent to which activities such as taking a nap, drinking a cup of

coffee, or going for a short walk contribute to subsequent vigilance behind the

wheel are not well understood and are therefore recommended for further study,"

they say.

UK road safety experts say the only real cure for fatigue is sleep.

A spokesman for the Department for Transport said: "Driving tired significantly

increases the risk of an accident so we encourage drivers to ensure they are

properly rested before climbing behind the wheel.

"Drivers should get a good night's sleep, plan sufficient breaks and pull over

if they feel tired.

"The Highway Code is clear that the most effective way to counter sleepiness

while driving is to have, for example, two caffeinated drinks and take a short
