When to walk away from the money

2014-05-15 05:37:03

Greed is one of life s ultimate temptations, often winning out over a deeper

sense of personal well-being. So perhaps it isn t so unusual we sometimes find

ourselves in a job we abhor because the pay is so darn good.

We turned to question-and-answer-site Quora to shed some light on what to do if

you hate your job, but it pays a lot of money. Here s what some respondents had

to say about finding your career nirvana.

Phil Darnowsky offers a six-step program for not only walking away, but also

finding your next passion. First, he said, build a war chest. He wrote:

"Cut your expenses and start aggressively saving money. Suck it up at your

current position until you have $X in the bank

Quit your job, break your lease, sell or give away everything that won't fit in

a suitcase.

Go someplace with sunny weather, nice people, and a low cost of living.

Stay there, just farting around and not doing much, until you get bored.

When you find yourself consistently fantasising about what you could be doing

besides hanging out on the beach, go do that.

Andy Johns agrees that savings are key to leaving your current position.

To help determine what those savings should be, write down a list of things

you would love to do if you didn't have a job and had enough money to do them

(but be reasonable.... buying a yacht is not reasonable), he wrote. After

stashing the amount of money you ll need to tackle your list, he said, quit

the job and go have the time of your life.

With enough savings, you can ditch the job and have the life of your dreams


Be realistic

Sometimes it s not as simple as should I stay or should I go. What if you have

a family to think about? Running to the next job isn t always so


My wife and I have been debating this about her job for a long time, said one

Anonymous respondent, offering a reality check. In our 20s, it was easy to

ditch the money and pursue happiness without thoughts about the future. Now

that we're a bit older and having had all our saving eviscerated by the

meltdown four years ago, we're a bit more reticent about turning away from

financial security even if it requires sacrifice of happiness over the

short-term. It becomes even tougher if you're married or have kids.

I don't know what the answer is, the respondent continued, but I don't think

it's an easy question that can be answered with slogans or quips.

Surround yourself with friends

Darius Tan was in a very similar situation. I was a professional poker player

and played 80-to-100 hour weeks. At 21 years old, I was making a healthy six

figure amount every year. However, I was extremely unsatisfied. Finally being

fed up with being so miserable, I set out to figure out why I wasn't happy.

After all, I was making it rain!

After reading a bunch of books and studies on happiness, Tan said he boiled

happiness down to three things: finding a company with a great culture where

you ll be engaged, spending more time with friends and family to get the

emotional support you need and realising you are awesome.

Tough it out

When the going gets tough, the tough dig in. Ashton Lee in Shanghai, says you

should stick to your job. You [are] likely gaining skills and building upon

your work ethic in ways that will help you in the future, he wrote. Maybe

this will lead you to business school, maybe to another form of grad school,

maybe you start or join a start-up or maybe you are just paying your dues now

and your job gets a lot more interesting and fun higher up the ladder.

Follow your passion

Amy Robinson has a different perspective altogether. My job/life is

spectacular but my bank account is empty, she wrote. I work 80 hours a week

but only a small fraction are paid. It isn't such a big deal because a) I live

an extraordinary life and b) doing what you love eventually pays off. Robinson

wrote that her job brought her opportunities to travel and meet fascinating

people. Extraordinarily wonderful and surprising things will happen when you

stop focusing on money and start focusing on living with passion. Re-evaluate

why you value the ideas and things that matter to you.

Her most heartfelt advice: There is no substitute for living a life you love.

Start now it will only get harder to change.