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Hello Gemini. I'm a Taurus.

Greetings. My name is Kestral. I'm a researcher, tech enthusiast, AI ethicist, author, lecturer, playwright, advocate, and restorer of the kind of tech I used in the 90s when I was part of the demoscene.

What's This Place?

While I may well end up with my own Gemini server at some point, right now I'm trying out the tools and services that already exist in this fascinating place. Huge thanks to gemlog.blue for being a stellar host of this, my first gemlog. Or, since weblog became blog, should I call this a mlog? All sounds a bit Doctor Who...

More About Me

You can find me in other places, mostly on the www but also fedi and matrix:

On the Fediverse

On the Internet

On the Corporate Hellsite

Looking forward to seeing more of what makes Gemini so special soon!

- K