An awful boss could be as bad for your health as cigarettes

2015-12-07 11:20:54

By Ariana Chirasello

5 December 2015

Could your terrible boss be as damaging for your health as passive smoking? The

long term health effects of a nasty boss could be just as dire, according to a

story from LinkedIn published by Quartz.

The majority of workers with a poor manager don t leave.

The longer you stay in a job working for a terrible manager, the bigger the

toll on your physical and mental health.

The American Psychological Association reports that 75% of US workers cite

their boss as the biggest cause of stress at work but the majority (59%) of

workers with a poor manager don t leave, reported Quartz. It seems people get

very comfortable with their jobs, even if being treated badly which makes it

more difficult to leave and find a healthier workplace.

Researchers from Harvard Business School and Stanford University, in the US,

compiled data from over 200 studies and found that common work stresses can

have the same negative health effects on staff as exposure to substantial

amounts of second-hand smoke.

Top of the list of work stresses, losing your job, makes you 50% more likely to

experience poor health, reported Quartz. An overly demanding role makes you 35%

more likely to have a physician-diagnosed illness.

In a difficult job market, escaping to a new position isn t always an option.

Surviving until you can escape

While in some circumstances awful managers are just the result of a personality

clash with an individual worker, truly bad ones do exist. So, how can you tell

the difference? The latter are overly aggressive, narcissistic or even violent.

If you re having trouble distinguishing amongst the two, here are five

tell-tale phrases that will point you in the right direction.

In a difficult job market, escaping to a new position isn t always an option.

It s easy to lose motivation to do a good job. But there are some simple

survival strategies that can help get you through (and keep you motivated). Try

making a list of daily goals, checking them off as you complete each one. This

feeling of accomplishment can help you keep going. Unplugging from your phone

or email for a weekend will also help re-energise you for work, even for a

short time.