author: bunkermatty
I updated my md2gemtext translator so it doesnt print out the program and file name so you can just pipe the output to a file. If you have any suggestions or find any bugs, make an issue or make a reply on this log, Thanks!
Hey, I wrote an very bad markdown to gemtext translator in C called md2gemtext. If you want to help please send a pull request or make an issue!
So here in Europe it is 4:11, I Have to wake up for school at around 6, 6:20 if i really want to push it. Instead of going to sleep like a responsible person I am staying up all night doing some C stuff. Anyone have any suggestions to get abunch of energy fast?
hmm i think i fucked up by buying a t510, i should have really saved up a 100 more euro and bought a w510, its a way better laptop while being from the exact same generation
dial up is preety cool tbh, a preety good provider is if you want to do some testing
C drives me crazy.
Hello!, what do you guys do on Gemini? Got any good sites to explore?