馃懡 smokey

Introducing the Stargate Relay: Search the web in gemini


9 months ago 路 馃憤 martin, astroseneca, falschdenker


[1] gemini://tilde.team/~smokey/cgi-bin/search-engine-inputs.gmi


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5 Replies

馃懡 smokey

@acidus Thanks for the kind words! Good to know, once stargate gets released and I figure out how to get it running I would be happy to make a start up install guide for it ;)

Just added a multiple choice CGI so people can select which engine they want to use through the input prompt (defaults to google if none or unknown selected) Hopefully its more convient to just bookmark one cgi instead of 7 or having to go to the relay page and click each link individually. 路 9 months ago

馃懡 acidus

FWIW, I do plan to ship premade builts of Stargate for people. I just need to clean up the config/error handling a bit first 路 9 months ago

馃懡 acidus

This is awesome work @smokey. Great job 路 9 months ago

馃懡 smokey

@sirwilburtthefirst You need to set your gemini browser to use set up an html to gemtext converter proxy. Preferably Acidus's public stargate proxy since its more developed but the older duckling proxy works too until stargate's source is released if you'd rather self host. Check out the 'other resources' sections for links to them. 路 9 months ago

馃懡 sirwilburthefirst

Is the intent here that you set up an HTTP proxy with your browser? Or is it attempting to stay on Gemini? Because wehen I do a Google search it redirects to HTTPS. 路 9 months ago