Gabbr is a gab(1) client written in Bourne shell, the nearly universal Linux/Unix shell. If you don't know what gab is it's probably because you're not in the, in which case there's likely no need to read further.
For the change log see code comments.
For those new to scripts you just need to copy the file to your 'bin' directory, then make it executable via chmod(1):
============================================================================= GAB v2.2 Current channel: xcom! Last message: 1d 11h 26m 42s ago - - - [zilog] Probably it's a temporary renouncement; just feel like it sucks up too much of my already waning interest in social interaction. - - - [zilog] BTW, thanks for teaching me my soul has nothing to say.. ;) - - - [gorf] I guess I was extending me to "us". I feel like I need ot figure out something to say... - - - [zilog] post something petey! - - - [zilog] @gorf: r u ready for... ngabbr -- next gen Gabbr !? - - - ============================================================================= Gabbr-2.1 New msgs in: gabdev test ============================================================================= G> ? ============================================================================= [G] Goto a channel [D] Delete post(s) [+/-] chg # msgs shown [P] Post a message [R] Redisplay msgs [S] Search for WORD [N] make NEW chan [B] (un)Block user [Q] Quit gabbr ============================================================================= G>
There is a 'gabbr' channel on gab(1) which will announce releases and provides a forum for user feedback. If preferred, internal email may be sent to user 'zilog'; please reference "Gabbr" in the Subject: line.