Gabbr - a gab(1) client

Gabbr is a gab(1) client written in Bourne shell, the nearly universal Linux/Unix shell. If you don't know what gab is it's probably because you're not in the, in which case there's likely no need to read further.

Current and old versions:

gabber-2.1 (current)

gabber-1.2 (old ver.)

For the change log see code comments.

Copy and Install:

For those new to scripts you just need to copy the file to your 'bin' directory, then make it executable via chmod(1):

What does it look like?

--------------: message screen w/ help menu activated :------------------

GAB v2.2
Current channel: xcom!
Last message: 1d 11h 26m 42s ago

- - -
[zilog] Probably it's a temporary renouncement; just feel like it sucks
up too much of my already waning interest in social interaction.
- - -
[zilog] BTW, thanks for teaching me my soul has nothing to say.. ;)
- - -
[gorf] I guess I was extending me to "us". I feel like I need ot figure
out something to say...
- - -
[zilog] post something petey!
- - -
[zilog] @gorf: r u ready for... ngabbr -- next gen Gabbr !?
- - -

 Gabbr-2.1   New msgs in: gabdev test
 G> ?
  [G]  Goto a channel       [D]  Delete post(s)     [+/-]  chg # msgs shown
  [P]  Post a message       [R]  Redisplay msgs       [S]  Search for WORD
  [N]  make NEW chan        [B]  (un)Block user       [Q]  Quit gabbr


more gabber screenshots

Disscusion and feedback:

There is a 'gabbr' channel on gab(1) which will announce releases and provides a forum for user feedback. If preferred, internal email may be sent to user 'zilog'; please reference "Gabbr" in the Subject: line.

ex. ~$ mail -s "Gabbr" zilog