I'm not sure if it was meant as some kind of sardonic comment on minimalism --- I came across a video on the YT talking about promptless bash, and the long and short of it is that I now have at the end of my .bashrc:

export PS1=': '

After a few hours I thought I was being crazy, and went back to the theme from oh-my-bash ... but only for a while. Yes, this is good, and I have:

bind u set status

in my .tmux.conf, and write this is a very minimalistic vim, Goyoin fact. It is good.

But why?

Perhaps the fact that, after these weeks of a kind of frantic tweaking, searching for the gold of the ideal set-up, I am actually writing. It is not just Goyo and a writeroom experience, it is the whole distraction of all the *nixbells an whistles, so much awesome and useful software, so much control, and that has been a distraction from a fundamental truth - at it's core it's a typewriter. [That's just a thought from the typing - don't hold me to it!].