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[SPEC] Backwards-compatible metadata in Gemini

Lars Noodén lars.nooden at gmx.com

Wed Feb 24 20:08:52 GMT 2021

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On 2/24/21 9:16 PM, PJ vM wrote:[snip]

... unless you know that the set of articles in
which you're searching is actually using that convention,
and in a consistent way.[snip]

It is a matter of scope and it is why the use of document metadata isgenerally found only in-house for local search and indexingfunctionality: Only you have control over your own documents and thepresence and quality of their metadata. What goes into the metadata isa different topic than the specification for encoding it. So it ispossible for groups with common sets to collaborate. Or not.

In-house, there is no substitute for the ability to browse or searchspecific fields when retrieving from a pool of in-house documents. Asimple specification for how to annotate key-value pairs is all that isneeded. Nothing more.

A major benefit from standardized markup for key-values is that anyserver-side software for indexing, browsing, and searching is easier toshare. Think htdig but for a Gemini capsule. Through the discussionhere I am starting to realize the importance of having a possibility forcapsules to choose whether to add metadata to their own documents.Otherwise, there is a very low upper limit on the number of documentsthey in practice are able to manage and make discoverable.
