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John Cowan bails out

John Cowan cowan at ccil.org

Fri Feb 26 15:42:56 GMT 2021

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This list is taking up too much of my time (partly because I suffer prettybadly from Someone-Is-Wrong-On-The-Internet syndrome), so I've decided it'sbest if I leave now. In case your mail client hides my address from you,it's cowan at ccil.org. Feel free to contact me at any time about Gemini oranything else.

John Cowan http://vrici.lojban.org/~cowan cowan at ccil.orgMEET US AT POINT ORANGE AT MIDNIGHT BRING YOUR DUCK OR PREPARE TO FACEWUGGUMS-------------- next part --------------An HTML attachment was scrubbed...URL: <https://lists.orbitalfox.eu/archives/gemini/attachments/20210226/6168eb02/attachment.htm>