Created 2023-03-31
Roland's criteria:
As an example, DTY (Dignity), in 2021 Net profit was £12.1m, net debt was £+556m. So C4 = 556/12.1 = 46, which is way too high. In 2016, NP= 57.2, NDebt = 524, so even at that stage, it was too high.
Contrast with CCC in 2021, which had negative net debt. So it's good.
ULVR 2022: net debt = 22916, net profit = 7642 => C4 = 22916/7642 = 3.0. So it's OK.
BNZL 2022: net debt = 1627, net profit = 474 => C4 = 1627/474 = 3.4. Safe
DPLM 2022: net debt = 398, net profit = 94.7 => C4 = 398/94.7 = 4.2. Safe
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