Philip Linde linde.philip at
Sat Mar 20 00:46:30 GMT 2021
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I don't see how it's how it's underspecified. In particular, I don'tsee why anyone should assume &-separated values. The spec refers toIETF RFC 3986, which doesn't at all concern how to encode multiplevalues. It simple describes the query as a segment of a URI startingwith a "?" and ending with the end of the URI or a fragment marker"#".
The spec makes it clear that the input should be included as a querycomponent. There can only be one RFC 3986 query component. Possiblycalling it *the* query component instead would be a usefulclarification for people who are not so familiar with RFC 3986.
If a server wants to produce a e.g. a form with multiple inputqueries, accumulating a form state throughout, they can encode thestate of the completed parts of the form in the path segment and servea redirect after each input.
If this is a new feature that people want, I think it should bediscussed as such. To say that it's underspecified is however justwishful thinking.
On 3/20/21, Sean Conner <sean at> wrote:
It was thus said that the Great Frank Jüdes once stated:
Hi fellow Geminauts,
i am fairly new to the gemini protocol, but already like the simplicity
of everything, compared to the complexity of "modern" websites.
Currently i am using the Jetforce server and several clients (Kristal,
Lagrange, Geminaut) and trying to wrap my head around the /input/
* Upon first invocation my cgi-script figures out that the
/QUERY_STRING/ is empty and responds with /10 Please enter some data/
* The client is prompting for some data and re-requesting the URL with
the data attached: [URL]?Some Data
* My CGI program detects that there is some data in the URL and
responds with /10 Please enter some more data/
* Upon which the client asks me to enter some more data and
re-requests the URL, but only with the /some more data/ attached to
the URL
The data that was already attached to the URL will be replaced with
the new data.
Is that the intended functionality?
It is only possible to use one parameter?
It's underspecified, and it's a current issue:
That definitely would make parsing the URL somewhat easier, but would
require some creativity in the CGI if more than one parameter is needed.
Yes, and it depends upon the quality of implementation of the CGI spec.
Can somebody please explain this to me in a nutshell? Thank you very
much in advance for your help.
Unfortunately, it's an open issue. I'm [1] leaning towards appending the
new output (option #2 on the issue) but the spec needs to be updated first.
[1] Disclaimer: speaking with my BDFLA [2] hat here.
[2] Benevelent Dictator For Life's Assistant.