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Will Gemini ever become a standardized protocol?

nervuri nervuri at disroot.org

Mon Apr 5 16:43:04 BST 2021

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On Sat, 2021-03-27, nervuri wrote:

On Sat, Mar 27, 2021, Drew DeVault wrote:
BearSSL is compelling for many reasons
I agree.
and though work is slow, it is definitely underway. We'll get there.
Ah, so you've been in contact with the developer. Good to hear.

I shouldn't have assumed this. So, just to check: how do you know thatwork on BearSSL "is definitely underway"?

Judging by the commit log, development has just about ground to a halt.Since 2019 there have only been bug & typo fixes and commits have beengetting rarer.

Also, BearSSL has no external audits and doesn't seem to have many eyeson it. The author claims it's beta-quality software. It also lacksed25519 support:https://lists.sr.ht/~sircmpwn/gmni-discuss/%3C20210316075714.091701CC0043%40dd49836.kasserver.com%3E

I hope it picks up again, but would avoid it in its current state. Forvery low spec systems, Mbed TLS might be a better way to go:https://github.com/ARMmbed/mbedtls