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[spec] The updated speculative specification is now up

nervuri nervuri at disroot.org

Thu Apr 8 17:59:31 BST 2021

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On Wed, 2021-04-07, Sean Conner wrote:

Also, stats [1] show that some 21% of Gemini sites still use TLS 1.2.
Personally, I think that once this falls below 5% (or greater than 95%
of all sites support TLS 1.3) we can revisit this decision.

Ok. We should also test clients. I was working on that, but otherthings took priority.

Also, if the actual blocker is the percentage of servers and clientssupporting TLS 1.3, then that's what the specification should say,rather than referring to libraries. It can be vague, like:

TLS 1.2 is reluctantly permitted until TLS 1.3 support is more
widespread among Gemini servers and clients. The minimum required TLS
version is 1.2, but clients who wish to be "ahead of the curve" MAY
refuse to connect to servers using TLS version 1.2.
Implementations MUST support TLS SNI...

This would be closer to Solderpunk's original text.